First off sweed did play against ou last year. second, murray is a better back then patrick. If patrick doesnt get hurt in the rrr last year, I honestly dont know if we win it. Im not saying Im happy he got hurt, but AP was doing nothing in that game, and would have taken even more carries from murray who exploded in that game.Sometimes young unproven players need a big game to come out and shine, and prove to the coaches that they CAN step up in a big game and be a difference maker. Now AP will be missed, but if he had another year to play, he wouldnt even be our feature back in 08. I would love to have him coming back becuase he is a hard worker and would have made a great rb in the rotation, but its not a huge blow to lose him.
On a side note the coaches have RAVED about calhoun, saying he has a chance to be a very special player. Our coaches have said that they havent had a rb since they have been at ou like calhoun( such a great mix of talents). Not that hes on the same level as peterson,(speed and power) but he does have an amazing blend of speed, balance, power, and vision, that has the coaches foaming at the mouth.He can do it all out of every formation. I fully expect him to be the number 3 and maybe number 2 back by the end of the season.I dont know if he could ever put up numbers like AD, but he has every tool for a rb that you could hope for.
Our coaches RARELY brag on freshman and alway down play them and are very hard on them. The few that they have called special that come to mind have been AD, tommie harris, reggie smith, gresham,are the only few names I can remember. And all of these players made huge impacts as players, hopefully calhoun can live up to the hype.
Also how can you say texas has more depth on offense. We have our top EIGHT offive lineman returning, 3 deep at rb( guys with legit reps) 5 of our top 6 recievers. We lost two starters and are loaded depth wise.
You talk about losing kelly and patrick having an impact, but all the other starters will have another year under their belt. Very very very few teams ever return EVERY starter in a unit, yet teams are better the follwing year. Thats because the other guys step up even more due to another year in the system( weight program,film room, and just having more playingtime under their belt, no learning curve) Hey if we lost 6 guys I wouldnt be coming here saying we will be better, but losing the players that we do will be offset by the returning starters we have coming back.
Bottom line ou WILL be better next year on offense. Sure it would be even better if we didnt lose anyone, But that could be said for any team. 99 percent of the time you are going to lose some players, the key is how many you DO return and who is there to fill in the holes.