its all about your dtackle play, thats where it starts on defense. Ou will easily have the best dline in the big 12(all 4 starters return) and one of the top 3 in the country.They are also two and three deep(dline) injuries wont be an issue. Texas loses both starting tackles in an already terribliy thin dtackle rotation. (should have went juco). they will have to plug in and spin down dends, our oline with all 5 returning starters will be likcing their chops. The game(just like 99 percent of games) will be won in the tenches and ou has a big advantage on both sides of the ball. Qb play, dtackles, and oline basicly decide colleg football games. If you are great in all those areas then you are going to win alot of games. And ou has a advantage in all three positions.Texas will be good, but ou will be better. Plugging in wrs, cbs, lbs, and safeties for boths teams wont be a problem becuase both have talented skill players who can run, its those bigs that you just cant go out and recruit. Dtackle play for texas this year could easily cost them a couple of games, they are thin already, injuries could have huge huge effects. Texas isnt going anywhere, i think 09 they could make a great run , ou will lose alot, but this will be ou's year in the big 12.