Random Off-Season News

With all the realignments going on, schools hopping around to other conferences this article seemed right in line. I thought it was real until I read SN's post
Credit to eagle eye SN
In baseball one can’t argue balls and strikes or look at ump crossed-eyed. In football they have to be gentle with the QB. In basketball you get a T for flopping. Meantime in hockey……
Since moving to a hockey town, it has elevated to one of my favorite sports to watch. If you have never seen a hockey playoff game, put it on your bucket list.
LC I don’t follow that revenue chart. It says it includes tickets, well that doesn’t make any sense because our game tickets are higher than those figures.
I can't get to the rest of the article about revenue but I'm wondering if it's "net" revenue", read profit, versus gross revenue...
I can't get to the rest of the article about revenue but I'm wondering if it's "net" revenue", read profit, versus gross revenue...
Here are the fine print notes at the bottom of that chart.

Notes: Many schools do not charge student entry fees, as the students extensively subsidize most athletic depts. through tuition and fees. Calculation is total disclosed football-related ticket revenue, plus total disclosed football-related program, concessions, parking, and novelty revenue collected by athletic dept.
How in the hell can Cougar High only bring in $17.82 per fan? How can the program survive on numbers like that?
Tillman Fertita who is a mega rich alum funds a lot of stuff. He owns all the papas restraurants, Mortons steak house, the Rockets, hotels and commercial stuff. Similar to Mark Cuban and his hand picked man was Dana Holgerson who they just let go. People with stupid money pretty much get to run what they want. I used to do work for his corporate office and those people would fall over themselves just to be in his presence (pretty sad).
I've always said that the Pappas' (all Aggies) give you more food than you can eat for more money than you want to pay. It will always be "good", not "great', but as you said "edible. Get em in, get their money, and turn the tables. If they don't like it, someone else will.
When did Tillman buyout Chris & Harris?
Tilman Fertitta: A Houston native, Tilman is often referred to as “the world's richest restaurateur.” Through his restaurant and hospitality company Landry's, Fertitta owns more than 600 properties in 36 states and in over 15 countries.

I believe he is the head of the board of regents for UofH as well. What he says goes and he can fund it all if needed.