Random Off-Season News

Take out our 19% Asian, and we still top 40%.

Third Ward stories about how foreign students have been treated are buried in that study. Little things like covering room and board but there were no rooms or cafeterias. They actually leased an old Allison/Walker atrium office building at Broadway & Bellfort for male Arab students to sleep in. Problem was no showers, no food, no transportation the five miles through the ghetto to class.

These are the Cotton Bowl improvements:


The highly anticipated renovations focus on enhancements to the visitor experience including:

  • The addition of 14 new escalators
  • Construction of new multi-story entries at the two west entrance gates
  • The upper west concourse will be increased to three times the current square footage and include two outdoor terraces with views of downtown Dallas.
  • The main concourse on the west side of the stadium will be doubled in size, featuring new art deco artwork to augment the venue’s classic style.
  • Restrooms and concession stands will get a makeover and more will be added
  • Creation of new premium seating environments and a newly expanded press area in the South endzone
  • Improving the in-stadium Wi-Fi signal
Other renovations are planned for the surrounding Fair Park, including a privately funded Community Park Complex and upgrades to the Music Hall at Fair Park and the African-American Museum
The 11 am starts, I guess, are good for in-game sobriety. I hadn't thought about any positives before you brought that up.
$140 billion could buy or build 140,000 homes for $1million each. I think that’s enough to upgrade any neighborhood
Not in the neighborhood surrounding the Cotton Bowl. To start with by the time you buy off the neighborhood and South Dallas bosses and the Dallas City Counsel you will have used 80% of the $1M. Then there will be the "slipage" from the construction site will be another $100K. $100K doesn't buy much house even in South Dallas.

Mohammed Ali was on Johnny Carson years ago, and spoke to this subject. That clip is not available anywhere pm the internet as far as I know. I was much younger then, but it has always stayed with me. He and Carson were discussing social issues, and to try to quote Ali, he said, "It doesn't matter what you give us, until we address the issues of THE HOME, we'll destroy it. Give us Beverly Hills and we'll turn it in to an eyesore. It all starts in the home and with the father in the home."

I am convinced that NBC destroyed that tape.

AT&T has long had a history of blocking cell service of other carriers at events sponsored by AT&T. For years, I have tried to find someone sitting close to me at OU that has AT&T. That way, I can follow other games and check halftime lines.

2023 was the worst because NO ONE had cell, text or email service regardless of carrier

AT&T has long had a history of blocking cell service of other carriers at events sponsored by AT&T. For years, I have tried to find someone sitting close to me at OU that has AT&T. That way, I can follow other games and check halftime lines.

2023 was the worst because NO ONE had cell, text or email service regardless of carrier
Understand. I see improved wifi as one of the bullet items being included in the updates. I know this is such an easy problem to resolve. Yes you have much increased population in a small area during the fair but they have portable units designed for large throughput that can easily resolve this. If it hasnt happend yet, it will that someone has a dire emergency and cannot get help because of this SNAFU.
So how does the $ec respond? North Carolina and Virginia? I doubt Miami and Hell no to tceh or really any other Big irrelevant conference rejects except maybe okie state.
Good to see but long overdue. Hopefully they do something about cell service at the state fair. When its in full swing, you can barely text & its so easily fixed considering this is an AT&T event!!!
Mayer Miller almost lost the Tex-OU game and that would have been the end of the stadium. Dallas has had poor leadership for too long. This looks promising!