Random Off-Season News

Number changes:
0 - DeAndre Moore
1 - Cook
2 - Golden
5 - Wingo
7 - Barron
7 - Bond
8 - Niblack
9 - Gibson
13 - Mukuba
14 - Blackshire
31 - Trey Moore
98 - Savea
Interesting. Things will definitely heat up over the free enterprise angle vs restrictions companies can impose on "employees". Sports sure is changing.
I liked the idea that one played for Texas because they loved Texas And got a good education to take them out into the world. Pollyanna ish I know
Interesting. Things will definitely heat up over the free enterprise angle vs restrictions companies can impose on "employees". Sports sure is changing.
I liked the idea that one played for Texas because they loved Texas And got a good education to take them out into the world. Pollyanna ish I know

Boston's NPR affiliate (WBUR) did a good multi-part story on this kind of statement and how the creation of "moral men" was kind of an amateurism catch-all going back to the late 19th century. The changes today might seem fast, but people 100 years ago could have accurately predicted what was going to happen to college sports once it became profitable.