Random Off-Season News


I remember Widowmaker, and he's been around for a while. Bodacious ain't worrying about the competition.

So he ain't mean or full of piss & vinegar anymore, he's still well over 2,000 pounds and wants you off his back as quickly as possible.

One of the two greatest athletes I've ever seen. That shoulder roll, high kick, head butt. He grew to over 3,000 pounds.

Helped talk Terry Don West out of crawling on him for $1 million, winner take all. TD had broken leg, broken ribs and arm injury. That bull would have killed him as it did the Lowe kid.
Amazing I think I actually remember that ride.
Lest we forget this All started from what cowboys and caballeros did everyday.
I think we need to accord Bodacious respect.
I think he and Tyondre would have respected each other

Not sure Bodacious ever respected any human being. Last time I saw him, he was well over 3,000 pounds and broad enough for you and me to sit on his back without touching. Mean damn animal, but that shoulder roll and headbutt were deadly.

i think he was truly the greatest of all time, but definitely the most dangerous.
Amazing I think I actually remember that ride.
Lest we forget this All started from what cowboys and caballeros did everyday.
I think we need to accord Bodacious respect.
I think he and Tyondre would have respected each other
Neither Resistol nor Stetsons offer much protection from a bull's skull. IIRC, that 3 second ride crushed almost every bone in his face. I believe that ride finally convinced a lot of cowboys to wear helmets with facemasks.

And yes, major respect for Bodacious. He truly is the GOAT of riding bulls.
Yes Isa
at least that gave the humans some protection
but it is still frightening.
But we should also respect Bodacious etc's instinct.
I won't be i the list to try
or not even to try the mechanical bulls
I will stay on the sideline and salute the ?bravery?" of riders
So Manzeil will no longer take part in Heisman activities in protest of Reggie Bush not getting back his Heisman trophy that Bush voluntarily gave up.
hmmm a nice karma there
So Manzeil will no longer take part in Heisman activities in protest of Reggie Bush not getting back his Heisman trophy that Bush voluntarily gave up.
hmmm a nice karma there
The extent to which Johnny F is detached from reality is difficult to comprehend, even considering his background.

If the Downtown Athletic Club (isn’t that still who bestows the award?) had any remaining credibility, they would pull his Heisman, given the revelations he shared recently. Wouldn’t that be refreshing? I know. Pipe dream.