Random Off-Season News

IT just reported Burrell is no longer with the team. Apparently, Burrell was the driver in the car that rear-ended T'Vondre Sweat's Bronco where Sweat got a dwi. I don't know anything more than that.

IT just reported Burrell is no longer with the team. Apparently, Burrell reat was the driver in the car that rear-ended T'Vondre Sweat's Bronco where Sweat got a dwi. I don't know anything more than that.

Hate to hear this, he was a great athlete at LB. Great speed and could do flips like a gymnast. Time for my local guy Gullette to shine.

IT just reported Burrell is no longer with the team. Apparently, Burrell was the driver in the car that rear-ended T'Vondre Sweat's Bronco where Sweat got a dwi. I don't know anything more than that.

I can't help but wonder if Sweat would've suffered the same fate if he wasn't NFL-bound. It would appear that this staff appears to have a FAFO policy and I like it.
So Burrell wasn't charged or arrested but got kicked off the team.
If he was the one that hit Sweat from behind he had to have been charged with either Fail to Control Speed or Following too Closely, or perhaps they were playing stupid games. Hard to know without seeing the crash report. There's way more to this story that we'll probably never hear about.
While I wouldn’t disagree, I might add an exception: USC. But then, we had a transcendent talent who had an historic evening on 1/4/06.

While it’s too early to know, we could be entering a golden age for Texas football. That is, a time when the talent, the culture, and the caliber of coaching are all at a championship level. If so, we are all going to enjoy the next decade or so.
I hope you’re right - that this is a golden age, although winning may be harder than ever. I look at the culture/talent thing like this: talent is way more important than culture, because you can’t win with slow, weak dudes. A team strong on culture gets you Rice. And Rice isn’t beating Texas (unless it’s raining). Culture only beats talent if you’re talent is greater than or equal to your opponent’s.
So Burrell wasn't charged or arrested but got kicked off the team.
That exactly what I’m thinking - suspended for interfering with a second rounders draft stock.
I believe that, because nobody but other aggy like aggy.

Question....maybe it should be a poll.

Have you ever been in another city/state like Los Angeles, see a guy in an aggy shirt or hat and ask them if they were from Texas and went to A&M and the answer was no? For me the answer is never. The only tshirt fans I meet who never went to school there live somewhere in Texas but probably east of Austin and north of Houston.

Literally everywhere I go I run into people with UT gear on but either didn't go to UT or have never even been in Texas. We actually ran into one of those people in Utah last summer. Crazy.