Quick Question for Longhorn Fans

“He’s a Cinderella story. A former assistant groundskeeper about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac… It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole!” — Carl Spackler
Have you ever went over to a friends house to eat and the food just ain't no good?

I mean the macaroni's soggy, the peas are mushed and the chicken taste like wood.

So you try to play it off like you think you can by saying that you're full and then your friend says, "mama, he's just being polite. He ain't finished, uh-uh, that's bull!"

Have you?
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Can you provide us with the name of this fine establishment?

Juanito's is the name and it's just one of many Mexican restaurants on that part of Culebra. Often I just pick a stretch of road, start driving around, and go to the dodgiest most run-down looking joint on the street...which is how I ended up in there. I saw a number of very strong candidates on that side of town so I"ll certainly be back.

I'm not saying Juanito's is 'the best' but I was pretty darn happy with those enchiladas and one taste of the refried beans had me thinking that a heart stopping scoop of them would give @WorsterMan's Fuddrucker's a run for the money.
Regarding Mira Sorvino.

Take it up with Dionysus. You’ve completely detailed OP’s post with this diversion.
Had some outstanding enchiladas on Culebra in SA yesterday. The kind with a rich Tex Mex gravy and just asking to be garnished with diced white onions. Should I go back today? Because I really wanna go back.

I had an uncle that lived in Syracuse once. But it was cold, so he moved.

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