Quick Question for Longhorn Fans

Last weekend when I was in town I sampled the cast iron skillet catfish at Hyde Park Bar & Grill (Duval location). Good stuff. Panko Muenster cheese sticks were good, too.
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What do you all think about the homeless camps in Austin?

Are they good for our property values?

Serious question.

Shows a total lack of empathy and leadership from the City Council and Mayor. It is of no benefit to anyone to say, "Hey, you can go camp on that slab of concrete over there but good luck with running water and toilet facilities." We will ignore the other detriments of camping on public sidewalks and near highways and interstates, of which there are many.

If you really want to help economic refugees, build an appropriate camp for them that has health maintaining capabilities. Crapping on sidewalks benefits no one. Lack of sanitation is a public health risk for everyone. Just putting the unfortunate example of these people's circumstances on public display is a disgusting lack of concern and dignity robbing for these people. If a government is going to address these economic refugees, it must create a viable plan.

I know that is not a popular option as real estate owners do not want any increase in taxes. But it is a problem significant enough to address thoroughly, I would argue. Saying it is not is like some of my contemporaries who think they should not pay school taxes because they have no children in school. The benefit to society of an educated populace is discounted only by the selfish and ignorant. Same with these people who are struggling to stay alive. Get them stabilized, educate and train them and most will go on to be productive citizens again. Just don't ignore them like noxious weeds because they are only in your neighbor's yard and not yours, yet..
Take it to the West Mall
WOW, where? We found good Mexican when I was in Chicago but never god BBQ
Pete's Fresh Market grocery a mile away from me has really good brisket. I recently learned of a place about 20 minutes southwest of me called Station One that looks damn good. Haven't tried it yet. So, not Chicago proper, but the burbs.
Oh, the original question? Reveille is a [female dog]. And that was what A$M was to us. Now just OP.

BTW, the last four were from out of state - one being from the Land Thieves state. Couldn't find info on the fifth to determine how far back the out-of-state tradition goes
Hey all serious question. Do you consider Taco Bell to be good Mexican food?
I moved to West Campus in '89 when they opened the Bell on the drag. Damn near survived on that cheap a$$ bean lard they put in their burritos. Might have cost me 5 years on back end of my life for all the Bell i ate back then. 'Yo quiero Taco Bell'- or NOT.

Do they even have TacoBell in that little college town next to Bryan?
Detective is provoking everyone... Monkees sucked but sold a lot of records to young teen girls and teeny boppers.

Brian Wlison vs. Paul McCartney & John Lennon was / were the front lines of the real pop music scene in the mid to late 60's.
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They are like A&M, Texas , and OU. Texas considers OU the big rival.

Monkees thought they were rivals with the Beetles, but the Beetles and Beach Boys were really rivals.
Beatles were in 4 notable movies: A Hard Day's Night, HELP!, Yellow Submarine*, and Magical Mystery Tour. And there was a Saturday morning cartoon show based on them back in the 1960s.

Did the BB do anything like that?

*granted, it was jut a cameo at the very end. They didn't even lend their voices to their animated counterparts. But still, it was a Beatles movie.
Beatles were in 4 notable movies: A Hard Day's Night, HELP!, Yellow Submarine*, and Magical Mystery Tour. And there was a Saturday morning cartoon show based on them back in the 1960s.

Did the BB do anything like that?

*granted, it was jut a cameo at the very end. They didn't even lend their voices to their animated counterparts. But still, it was a Beatles movie.

Movies are like Conference Titles, and at least one poster around here will tell you that those are silly. Therefore, movie titles are silly as well.
They are like A&M, Texas , and OU. Texas considers OU the big rival.

Monkees thought they were rivals with the Beetles, but the Beetles and Beach Boys were really rivals.

What's the old joke about the Beatles and the Rolling Stones? The Beatles are the nice lads you'd like to have over to your house and the Stones are the ones who want to burn it down (or something like that)
I was in grades 2 and 3 when The Monkees was on TV (1966-68). I thought it was a great show. A few years ago I happened to watch an episode for the first time in 50 years. Couldn't stand it. How did I ever watch that dreck?

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