The Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, with regards to the right to bear arms. It didn't go well for the gun grabbers.
Couple of summaries below.
SCOTUS Hears Oral Arguments In Critical Right To Carry Case
WaPo: Looks Like SCOTUS Is Going To Strike Down NY Carry Laws
Majority of court appears dubious of New York gun-control law, but justices mull narrow ruling - SCOTUSblog
Even Roberts managed to put his big boy pants on, and seemed to bristle at the idea of NY issuing a permit if they felt like it, for a Constitutional right:
From the SCOTUS Blog:
"Roberts made a related point in his questioning of Fletcher. He told Fletcher that, with other constitutional rights, the Constitution “gives you that right, and if someone’s going to take it away from you, they have to justify it.” Why, Roberts asked, should citizens need to prove that they are entitled to – or have a special need to – exercise their constitutional right to carry guns outside the home for self-defense?"
The SC will most certainly scrap NY's, and by extension the other 8-9 "May Issue" carry license states like CA, MA, etc., law and require them to finally see the light that 42 other states have, with "Shall Issue" carry licenses. Now this is hardly going to be a bold move by the SC - the 6th Circuit Court forced Illinois to go to Shall Issue about a decade ago, and even DC has Shall Issue courtesy of the DC Court of Appeals.
The SC should have taken this case up shortly after those lower court rulings, as there was a spilt in the circuits as to if the 2A provided for the right to carry. But they've been very lazy and cowardly about protecting both the 2A, and their own Heller case which protected the right to keep arms.
As I wrote before, hopefully the SC doesn't just let NY scurry back to their holes and write some Shall Issue law that is so onerous to meet that most don't - very high costs, multiple references, long waits, application needs to be signed in unicorn blood, and so forth. For the lower courts, who had previously said it was A OK to only have May Issue carry laws, aren't going to bang the hammer down on NY if they go this route.
It will most likely be spring or early summer before a ruling - the contentious cases are decided last and the SC's term ends usually late June to July.