In real 2nd Amendment news, on 3 Nov, the Supreme Court will hear the case of NY Pistol and Rifle Association against the state. It's only the second 2A case heard since 2010 or so - which speaks to how poor of a job the Coward John Roberts and others have done to ensure the 2A rights are not infringed. Pretty sure there wasn't a 10 year pause in SC rulings on something they care about, like abortion, from 1973 on.
In this case, NY will try to defend their "may issue" handgun carry license, in which a citizen has to convince a judge for the need of it (or proof of donations to the Democrat party). While 42 other states have "shall issue", where like a driver's license, if you meet the standards of age, lack of criminal background, and training, you are issued a license.
It takes 4 votes from the Justices to hear a case, so it's a good bet there are at least 4 votes to strike down NY's law - Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and either Kav or Barrett. Kav wrote a strong defense of the 2A while on the DC court, and Barrett has supported the 2a in other cases, so that should be a 5 vote majority.
Three things will be interesting to see:
1. How far the SC goes in both striking down NY's law, and then telling them what needs to happen. The conservatives on the SC have a bad habit of striking things down but then not spelling out what the law should be, so that leaves the states and lower courts to hem and haw and say the SC meant this or that or let's just ignore it all and hope they don't rule again.
This happened in the Heller case, where the SC didn't lay down the law as to what gun laws were permissible and which ones weren't. Instead they talked about the role of the 2a and how it applied, but lower courts have for the most part just ignored anything that isn't a total ban on handgun ownership.
It would be nice for the SC to spell out exactly what type of law NY needs to have, with timelines and a promise to review. With Constitutional Carry, that "dangerous and extreme" law found in such Wild West hellholes such as, checks notes, Vermont, being the hammer to come smashing down on their sticky little fingers if they don't follow the SC's rulings.
But, more likely they will strike NY's law down, and tell them to come up with a Shall Issue license, as the courts did for Illinois and DC, and gun rights groups will have to eyeball the new law every step of the way. Still, will be a great advancement for gun and citizen rights.
2. As importantly, the SC needs to lay down the rules for what infringements of the 2A are permissible, and what isn't. The lower courts have done this trick related to the level of scrutiny (strict is for rights they care about, like abortion, while intermediate is for ones they are so so about, and then there's what's called rational basis which means outlaw what you like) that is allowed for 2A.
Most courts have gone to intermediate scrutiny as the legal profession, being mostly leftist scum, hate guns and want to outlaw them. So the 2A gets shortchanged compared to other rights in the Bill of Rights, or those in the invisible ink section such as abortion.
3. If there are 5 good gun rights votes for the case, does the Coward John Roberts or the ever sneaky Kagan try to sign onto the majority ruling, but also issue their own opinions which would be used by lower courts, wrongly, to justify not following the majority 5 ruling? It's a trick courts sometimes pull if they know lower courts and the legal - industrial complex don't want to follow a ruling. Hopefully the solid 5 won't allow for a watered down decision or concurring opinions that seek to sabotage the overall decision.
Exciting times for gun rights. Supreme Court ruling on the 2A, Constitutional Carry in 3 more states this year including the big one of Texas, no real gun grabbing laws passed in the states, a good chance to flush the Democrats down the drain in Virginia in a month and keep more bad laws from being passed there, and seeing Slow Joe try to fill the ATF position after the disaster that was the turd Chapman.