True: he even chose not to fire at the guy who threw his hands up and backed away (and who didn't point a pistol at his head). That took awareness and discipline.
This is just a dumb case for leftists to plant their flag on and fight over. There are plenty of examples of trigger happy, even racist, thugs who could be pointed out as examples of some dangerous "right wingers" out there. Make no mistake: they are out there indeed--far left and far right.
Liberals support the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment. I've got some Liberal in my core. So Liberals would look at Kyle Rittenhouse and say: "Perhaps he's not the brightest boy, but he exercised his Constitutional rights and escaped a life-threatening situation alive. And the prosecution did not prove the State's case beyond a reasonable doubt--one of the great safeguards of our liberty in this Liberal Democracy/Republic."