President Biden Accountability Thread

Thank goodness for Manchin and Sinema.

I would ask some of you that are so keen on torching "RINO's" to watch closely what happens next when Liberals take the same approach to the "DINO" Manchin. In a state like W. Virginia it is probably as much of a possibility that they just cause Manchin to flip to R as it is that they ever get his vote on a Dem priority again.
This thread should be Liberal accountability:

Chicago mayor calls for federal help to fight violent crime

Lightfoot on Trump's Threat to Send in Military: ‘Not Gonna Happen'

Now just read those two articles. THAT IS THE FRAUD. It is the Liberal lying and absolute hatred of Trump that is the problem. She didn't care one bit about her citizenry when Trump offered help. Now she does.

Liberals sick vile behavior and obsessive need for power far dwarfs Trumps faults.

And yet, the Left continues to double down on their sick behavior.
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She is one of the most horrible people on the planet. She is worse than Hitler, perhaps.

She doesn't mind that AOC has so much power and also represents a very small area.

Her comments about West Virginia are no surprise. That is exactly how Liberals feel about those who do not agree with them. And she is also a racist. How do I know? Because she is a white elitist and there is no chance that she actually likes black people or think they are on her level.

I believe that.
I see they trotted out a vid of a new puppy in the WH
Yea sure that will distract from the destruction of our country

I have Liberal acquaintances and friends who literally will never be Republicans solely on the "nice" issue. They are so obsessed with the feeling of "goodness" that they will ignore anything and everything because Liberals will ACT as if they are gentle nice big hearted people.
She didn't care one bit about her citizenry when Trump offered help. Now she does.

Liberals sick vile behavior and obsessive need for power far dwarfs Trumps faults.

And yet, the Left continues to double down on their sick behavior.
Bystander, you nailed it. The only consistent thought of the Democrats was their hatred for President Trump. Now the mayor sees the results of her policies - and must realize that sooner or later, the electorate will get sick and tired of the status. We can only hope that it occurs sooner, not later - but that would require that the voters think (not a characteristic of Chicago voters in the past).
I saw the thread title and assumed this would be a blank thread.
I’m 59 & Biden and his silly sidekick are the two most do nuttins that will quickly be forgotten.
Biden is so out of touch that I don’t think he’ll require lifetime Secret Svc security. No one cares about him , like that Iraqi Minister Of Information during the first Gulf War.
I think the Marines took the airport and that silly Billy thought he was going to be executed. Then he figured out he was a laughingstock.

Biden seems to be completely unaware of his surroundings and how he has turned his back in sheep that believed in him.
He is truly Mr. Irrelevant
Wait, are you talking about Dem politicians and the riots this summer?
I always say that if a few BLM posters were part of that Captol raid.
No charges would have been filed.

And for the record I thought that raid was absolutely ridiculous. We’re not a Third World country.
This is my inaugural post on West Mall. What inspired it was Tuesday's WSJ op-ed by Gerard Baker, one of the best journalistic writers of our time. For those of you who don't have access to the Journal, here are a few nuggets:

"Say what you want, but Joe Biden's first year in office has one crowning achievement to its name. It has provided a real-time, data-rich, high-intensity and ultimately devastating case study in the defining conceit of progressive politics: the idea that government is the solution.


Meanwhile, a heartbeat and a spine-chilling cackle away from the presidency, is another living rebuke to the idea that government is virtuous and wise. Vice President Kamala Hariss has demonstrated, evidently to the alarm of much of her own staff, that she is simply another of Mr. Biden's many mistakes--perhaps the biggest one yet. It is a dismaying state of affairs that we must all pray nightly for the continued health of an inept president to avert the calamity of a worse one."

Sadly but true, this is where we find ourselves after one year of Joe at the reigns.
This is my inaugural post on West Mall. What inspired it was Tuesday's WSJ op-ed by Gerard Baker, one of the best journalistic writers of our time. For those of you who don't have access to the Journal, here are a few nuggets:

"Say what you want, but Joe Biden's first year in office has one crowning achievement to its name. It has provided a real-time, data-rich, high-intensity and ultimately devastating case study in the defining conceit of progressive politics: the idea that government is the solution.


Meanwhile, a heartbeat and a spine-chilling cackle away from the presidency, is another living rebuke to the idea that government is virtuous and wise. Vice President Kamala Hariss has demonstrated, evidently to the alarm of much of her own staff, that she is simply another of Mr. Biden's many mistakes--perhaps the biggest one yet. It is a dismaying state of affairs that we must all pray nightly for the continued health of an inept president to avert the calamity of a worse one."

Sadly but true, this is where we find ourselves after one year of Joe at the reigns.

Damn, that was good... pleaze hang here.
Barely shuffling, EMPTY suit Biden..... and who is his VP? Largely absent Kamala Harris? ... a joke to most.

She dresses in a tailored EMPTY suit and has an impressive title but she is a non-serious, incompetent and over her head loser.

Hey Dems, you are going to get your sorry asses kicked in the mid-terms with Joe's OR Dems non-winning message of results in 2021-2022.

Then good luck with that allsome bench you have for POTUS in 2024!! :clap:

Please Joe, run again or how about your love child Bernie or Mother Earth Warren....

DEMS: American people have had enough of your BS and Carter like malaise 1 year after Joe's feckless "Oath".
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This is my inaugural post on West Mall. What inspired it was Tuesday's WSJ op-ed by Gerard Baker, one of the best journalistic writers of our time. For those of you who don't have access to the Journal, here are a few nuggets:

"Say what you want, but Joe Biden's first year in office has one crowning achievement to its name. It has provided a real-time, data-rich, high-intensity and ultimately devastating case study in the defining conceit of progressive politics: the idea that government is the solution.


Meanwhile, a heartbeat and a spine-chilling cackle away from the presidency, is another living rebuke to the idea that government is virtuous and wise. Vice President Kamala Hariss has demonstrated, evidently to the alarm of much of her own staff, that she is simply another of Mr. Biden's many mistakes--perhaps the biggest one yet. It is a dismaying state of affairs that we must all pray nightly for the continued health of an inept president to avert the calamity of a worse one."

Sadly but true, this is where we find ourselves after one year of Joe at the reigns.

Nice post right out of the gate.

My feeling is when you appoint for political payback or patronage then you get what we have with Kamala. Her sole skill-set is to intimidate people with power. That's why she should have stuck with being a lawyer.

I also thought Sarah Palin was a political appointee as VP. It was a clear attempt to "sell" an image and a gender instead of competence.

VP's should be as rounded as we wish the President to be. They are being selected as political figureheads with absolutely no thought that they might actually be running the country if something happens to the President. It's extremely cynical and damaging to our country.
VP's should be as rounded as we wish the President to be. They are being selected as political figureheads with absolutely no thought that they might actually be running the country if something happens to the President.
Very good summary, bystander. History has shown that 9 VPs assumed the office of POTUS when the Pres didn't complete his term (8 died in office, 1 resigned). That's just short of 20% - not an insignificant percentage.
And here we sit - praying that a poor POTUS completes his elected term, knowing that the alternative is even worse.
Even Joe agrees about Joe...

"Biden and the first lady were speaking with families around the country who had called into the North American Aerospace Defense Command to receive an update on Santa's location when one parent ended the conversation by saying: "Let’s go Brandon."

The president did not appear to recognize that the phrase was a euphemism for "f--- Joe Biden," and responded: "Let’s go Brandon, I agree." "
Even Joe agrees about Joe...

"Biden and the first lady were speaking with families around the country who had called into the North American Aerospace Defense Command to receive an update on Santa's location when one parent ended the conversation by saying: "Let’s go Brandon."

The president did not appear to recognize that the phrase was a euphemism for "f--- Joe Biden," and responded: "Let’s go Brandon, I agree." "
Maybe the phrase was uttered by a female he found attractive.
Even Joe agrees about Joe...

"Biden and the first lady were speaking with families around the country who had called into the North American Aerospace Defense Command to receive an update on Santa's location when one parent ended the conversation by saying: "Let’s go Brandon."

The president did not appear to recognize that the phrase was a euphemism for "f--- Joe Biden," and responded: "Let’s go Brandon, I agree." "

What I find remarkable is that if that was his response, there's a good chance he doesn't know the expression or what it means. White House staff is likely keeping him in the dark on it.
I'm not enough of a political historian to know, but i can't remember the last time a sitting president didn't get the auto-nod to be the nominee for his party for round 2. It speaks volumes that there is open discussion about who will run instead of Biden. He really does seem to be "handled" at this point and not really doing anything but miming the presidency.

I anticipate a drubbing in 2022, so will liberals accept that their agenda is a non-starter and go with someone like Klobichar or will they again tell themselves the progressive lie...."it's because we didn't promise ENOUGH government candy that we lost".
I'm not enough of a political historian to know, but i can't remember the last time a sitting president didn't get the auto-nod to be the nominee for his party for round 2. It speaks volumes that there is open discussion about who will run instead of Biden. He really does seem to be "handled" at this point and not really doing anything but miming the presidency.

The most obvious example was the 1968 Democratic nomination. Obviously LBJ became very unpopular in the party and stepped aside rather than risking defeat. However, people weren't anticipating that less than a year into his presidency.

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