President Biden Accountability Thread

I see that POTUS wants sanctions against Russia so that Germany and other EU 'allies' potentially freeze. Action against Nordstream does not hurt Putin. It DOES harm (or potentially harm) nations that USED to like the US...or at least not hate us.
This is amazing isn't it. For the last few years the liberals have tried to paint some POC as uncle Toms and "not black" if they supported GOP policies. We're starting to get to a critical mass of women and POCs in visible leadership positions to counter that argument. I would never advocate running someone just because they are POC or female, but if we can identify a few more staunch conservatives that also fit that demographic, we need to find a way to help them run. The accepted political logic has long been that black and brown people were going to stay solid Dem. I think many of them are conservative and would vote GOP if we can just undo that single inaccurate "racist" label.
Hispanic voters shift toward Republicans, now split evenly between both parties: poll (

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If the GOP can find a few POC and women conservatives to run, we could undercut the primary argument lefties try to make to minorities. "the GOP is a bunch of old white male racist".

I know it would be a long shot still, but it would be awesome if we could find a black conservative to run for M. Waters district. Not only would it raise the POC/GOP flag high in a relatively high profile race, it would go a long way to undermine the concept that gerrymandering along party lines disenfranchises minorities. Imagine if that district elected a black conservative. We could say "see, they got a POC to represent them....just not a liberal POC...and that is really what you've been upset about all along".
Joe just signed an executive order to force the federal government to be net-neutral concerning fossil fuel usage. Big moves that will save all of us. He's so wonderful! The world is saved!!!!! How can you not want to be a Liberal?

Meanwhile, todays other headlines:

Hispanic voters shift toward Republicans, now split evenly between both parties: poll (

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If the GOP can find a few POC and women conservatives to run, we could undercut the primary argument lefties try to make to minorities. "the GOP is a bunch of old white male racist".

I know it would be a long shot still, but it would be awesome if we could find a black conservative to run for M. Waters district. Not only would it raise the POC/GOP flag high in a relatively high profile race, it would go a long way to undermine the concept that gerrymandering along party lines disenfranchises minorities. Imagine if that district elected a black conservative. We could say "see, they got a POC to represent them....just not a liberal POC...and that is really what you've been upset about all along".

A platform of constitutional carry, outlawing abortion and ignoring the electrical grid is not a winning hand in my book.
I agree blacks
But most Hispanics? Asians?
If this is true we are sunk

The white privilege brain-washing campaign has achieved many of it's goals; primarily a true resentment of white people. The human mind, pride, ego and confidence, always pursues the rationalization that failure is due to outside forces. White people are the easiest targets.
It angers me to no end that Biden Boom is trending on Twitter. The amount of utter stupidity is mind blowing. Here's an example-

So apparently standing up to Russia actually means leaning on a county to accept the invasion and control of part of it.

If Depends was a puppet of Da Russians!, what exactly would he have done differently?

Not sure who's in worse shape - Dole or Depends. And Dole's dead!

Dude is reading the framing notes of his speech. Wasn't reading any rubbish that is put in front of you the big joke in Anchorman? Now the president does the same thing.

Putin must look at this joke of a man and just laugh his Crimea off, or just annex it as he did when Depends was VP.

Our allies don't trust us, and our enemies laugh at us. It's going to be a long 3 plus years with this living corpse propped up in the White House.

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Yep. Let's stop printing the funny money and see what happens.

Short term you have a bad recession. Prices have to recover to more "natural" levels and capital needs to be reallocated to more valuable uses. The key is then to never inflate again so that economic growth has a reliable signal.
The US shouldn't go to war with Russia, even if that means they cede part of Ukraine. It's bad, but we shouldn't spend American blood and money on it.

Ahh the old Leonid Brezhnev / Yuri Andropov / Konstantin Chernenko days. Good times, with one old senile leader propped up in office till he reached room temperature. Also the final days of the Soviet Empire - should be a warning sign to the US, but it won't be.
The US shouldn't go to war with Russia, even if that means they cede part of Ukraine. It's bad, but we shouldn't spend American blood and money on it.

Yep. I'm fairly hawkish and generally sympathetic to Ukraine, but the idea that we would pull them into NATO or give them a security guarantee is absurd.

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