President Biden Accountability Thread

At least as of now, Murphy is down by about 1,200 votes with 97 percent reporting, which means it's too close to call.

This race wasn't even on my radar. I knew New Jersey had a governor's race this year, but I had no idea it was competitive.
Bill Kristol was a turd as a Republican. The leftists can keep that fake grifter. And the rest of Con Inc. The Frums, the Frenches, the Rubins and Cupps and Goldbergs.

You lump these all together, but they're not similar. Rubin is a total clown, as are Max Boot and Matt Dowd, whom you left out. Same is true of the Lincoln Project people. As I've said before, you can be a conservative and oppose Trump. However, if you ditch your entire political philosophy and the ideology that you've held your entire adult life because of Trump or frankly anybody, you're a clown.

Kristol is aspiring to become one. Keep in mind that he was never a big ideological conservative. He was a neocon like his dad. Well, his dad and others like him were a bunch of reformed Trotskyists. It's an improvement over Stalinists, but it shouldn't surprise anyone that they wouldn't be particularly strong adhering to traditional American conservatism.

S.E. Cupp went to work for CNN. Frum went to work for The Atlantic. When you work for those institutions as a conservative, a big part of your job is lending conservative credibility to liberal attacks on the GOP base. Certainly post-Trump, it's why they hire you.

French and Goldberg are nothing like the others. French is very sanctimonious and pretentious, so I've never liked his style. However, they're still basically conservatives and work for their own media outlet. They just don't support Trump.
S.E. Cupp went to work for CNN. Frum went to work for The Atlantic. When you work for those institutions as a conservative, a big part of your job is lending conservative credibility to liberal attacks on the GOP base. Certainly post-Trump, it's why they hire you.

Frum came out as his true leftist after King Obama was elected, and the Democrat were big on the idea of their 1000 year reich just beginning. Cupp was known for her tits before she jumped ship. Both are just house slaves - “yo Frumn aren’t Republicans stupid?” “Yes sir Boss, evil too”. “That’s good boy you get a big headline next issue”.

Better without them, like the rest of Conservative Inc - now accepting cabin slots for their exciting next boat cruise.
French and Goldberg are nothing like the others. French is very sanctimonious and pretentious, so I've never liked his style. However, they're still basically conservatives and work for their own media outlet. They just don't support Trump

As for those two chumps, both are part of the Washington General aspect of the DC ruling class. Their job is to write barely read columns, and support and advance tomato cans like McCain or Romney or Jeb!, none of whom will try or even want to win.

Then when a fighter like Trump who actually advances conservative polices (not the usual “elect me and get slightly fewer leftist polices - the left ratchet effect), they stompy feet away saying “I can’t support him”.

I gritted my teeth and voted for losers like the above, or chumps like the Bush family who’s first political though is always to surrender and run away. I was told over and over “don’t let your 80% friend be your 20% enemy. Vote for the most conservative candidate in the primary but then you must support the GOP candidate in the general.

Then when the shoe is in on the other foot, did Con Inc follow any of their own rules? Of course not.

One of the many great things President Trump did was expose the fake and useless conservatives, so they can be properly ignored and tossed into the trash heap where they belong.
Long ways to go but Ciattarelli is leading in NJ
Looks like they stopped voting late last night while they found enough ballots to help Murphy.

I miss the days where you literally counted until ALL of the ballots were counted. None of this going home crap. If you were there until 3A then you were there until 3A. It is somewhat ironic that it seems like it takes longer to count NOW with all the technology than it did in the days of go in, close a curtain, pull a lever...
I suspect voting irregularities in NJ. Let's wait to see how many votes we need.

I grew up in south Texas so I always suspect voting fraud.
During the 2020 election campaign, there was a mini-debate here about polling - some of which pointed to a very close race (vs the polling by the media like abc, WP, etc). Anyway, Trafalgar was highlighted by me as the best. Once again, they are the best:

During the 2020 election campaign, there was a mini-debate here about polling - some of which pointed to a very close race (vs the polling by the media like abc, WP, etc). Anyway, Trafalgar was highlighted by me as the best. Once again, they are the best:

Btw, the Trafalgar CEO says he factors in democrat cheating into their polls.
My folks lived in Alice, Jim Wells County, which was the county adjoining Duval and where Box 13 was. My dad told me he wanted to be buried in Jim Wells so he could stay politically active

planted him next to mom in Bee County
I was born in Alice and lived there until 5th grade.
French and Goldberg are nothing like the others. French is very sanctimonious and pretentious, so I've never liked his style. However, they're still basically conservatives and work for their own media outlet. They just don't support Trump.

Both have become way worse. French is quickly becoming a fascist politically. Same with Goldberg who wrote a book about it a decade ago. They both want war abroad and government force used on citizens domestically. Both should be marginalized and made irrelevant.
From Fox News part of DeSantis speach.

"When you look at the Biden — when you look at the Brandon administration," DeSantis said before being drowned out by cheers and applause.
My Spanish isn’t as good as it used to be, but I swear this guy says, “Biden Shîtshow” in Spanish (not really).

Can you believe just HOW broad the open arms of white supremacy have gotten? I mean, really...who would believe that such a systemically racist system would produce not only a Black female Republican for Lt. Governor but would ALSO produce a Latino Republican Attorney General.
This is amazing isn't it. For the last few years the liberals have tried to paint some POC as uncle Toms and "not black" if they supported GOP policies. We're starting to get to a critical mass of women and POCs in visible leadership positions to counter that argument. I would never advocate running someone just because they are POC or female, but if we can identify a few more staunch conservatives that also fit that demographic, we need to find a way to help them run. The accepted political logic has long been that black and brown people were going to stay solid Dem. I think many of them are conservative and would vote GOP if we can just undo that single inaccurate "racist" label.
Both have become way worse. French is quickly becoming a fascist politically. Same with Goldberg who wrote a book about it a decade ago. They both want war abroad and government force used on citizens domestically. Both should be marginalized and made irrelevant.

I know they are more interventionist than you (or I). I don't see evidence of fascism in them.

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