President Biden Accountability Thread

During the 2020 election campaign, there was a mini-debate here about polling - some of which pointed to a very close race (vs the polling by the media like abc, WP, etc). Anyway, Trafalgar was highlighted by me as the best. Once again, they are the best:

Trafalgar and People's Pundit did a great job in this race, and in the 2020 races as well. Pretty much all the NBC/ABC/Wash Post/NYT polls are garbage push polls, as you would expect.
This is amazing isn't it. For the last few years the liberals have tried to paint some POC as uncle Toms and "not black" if they supported GOP policies. We're starting to get to a critical mass of women and POCs in visible leadership positions to counter that argument. I would never advocate running someone just because they are POC or female, but if we can identify a few more staunch conservatives that also fit that demographic, we need to find a way to help them run. The accepted political logic has long been that black and brown people were going to stay solid Dem. I think many of them are conservative and would vote GOP if we can just undo that single inaccurate "racist" label.

Oh they still do in 2021

Newsom rally speaker calls Larry Elder 'a Black face on White supremacy'
I know they are more interventionist than you (or I). I don't see evidence of fascism in them.

Here's how much of turd French is. He believed Shifty Schiff, instead of Devin Nunes who was correct about what a crock the Russia! Hoax was.

The role of the GOP Washington Generals is to pretend to be for conservative policies - but they are always available to come to the aid of the current Democrat narrative if needed.
The FBI and the Southern District of New York are raiding Veritas over a diary. A diary, folks. Makes you wonder what's in it, huh?

The FBI and the Southern District of New York are raiding Veritas over a diary. A diary, folks. Makes you wonder what's in it, huh?

Amazing what happens when people document that the Hair Sniffer in Chief apparently liked sniffing hair in the shower...
Here's how much of turd French is. He believed Shifty Schiff, instead of Devin Nunes who was correct about what a crock the Russia! Hoax was.

The role of the GOP Washington Generals is to pretend to be for conservative policies - but they are always available to come to the aid of the current Democrat narrative if needed.

This was made even more clear when Trump came along, fought back at media/narrative and then proceeded to actually achieve nearly every policy outcome Republican voters has been going to the poles for for decades and then *** hats like French and others still couldn’t stand him and would rather a Biden.
They were always turds and sleeper cells. The Frenches, Frums, Cups, Rubins, Goldbergs, Haywoods, Kristos.

Washington Generals allowed to write barely read columns and push Tomato Cans (boxing term for a chump hired to lose so as to improve an up an coming fighter’s record) like McShitstain, or Mittens or Jeb! Losers who didn’t try to win or even want to.

Them when a fighter comes along like Trump, who doesn’t think the key to winning elections is a capitol tax rate cut (the Holy Grail of the GOP), they stompy feet away like a little girl who can’t have ice cream fur dinner. “My Principals!”, they claimed - after loyal conservatives voters like me dutifuly voted for their weak nominees every year since 88.

And that’s at best - more realistic these turds were always just planned and fake opposition to the ruling class, and were activated when a real foe came along like Trump. Thanks

If someone was a righr wing commentator who didn’t vote and support the GOP nominee in both 16 and 20, and didn’t follow all the same “don’t let your 80 percent friend be your 20 percent enemy”, “don’t let the left control the county”, “ don’t cut your nose off to spite your face” lines like they pushed every year since fostering the quitter GH Bush on us, then they are as worthless as a **** stain left on the side of the bowl, and here I come with the Comet and a brush.
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"46% Biden voters says he’s worse than they thought"

Yeah, that's the 46% who are killing this country bouncing back and forth every couple years. That same 46% will go bonkers and vote dem again as soon as the media tells them to after they elect a bunch of republicans this election cycle.

Brutal numbers for Depends. Approaching freezing point of water levels. Will the Democrat party go into the 22 election with this albatross turd around their neck, or tell the FBStasiI to threaten an investigation on his crooked dealings if doesn’t resign for “health” reasons?
"46% Biden voters says he’s worse than they thought"

Yeah, that's the 46% who are killing this country bouncing back and forth every couple years. That same 46% will go bonkers and vote dem again as soon as the media tells them to after they elect a bunch of republicans this election cycle.
A certain Family Guy sketch about undecided voters comes to mind.
Biden: Families of separated children deserve compensation

This is Liberal "leadership." Joe RAISED his voice to express his desires. This is what Liberalism does. They were waving them over (Sanctuary cities, abolish ICE, pursue amnesty etc.) and the horde was being stopped by Trump. But Liberals don't care. This is what they will do to our country. They will degrade it beyond belief and then accuse those who object of being white supremacists and if a Latino or Black object they will be called either a coconut or an oreo,

Who would be a Liberal? How dumb do you have to be?
"Kamala job approval 28%."

Amazing - there are 28% of voters who actually think she's doing a good job? If I were counted among that 28%, I'd be asking "What do the 72% know that I don't know?"
"Kamala job approval 28%."

Amazing - there are 28% of voters who actually think she's doing a good job? If I were counted among that 28%, I'd be asking "What do the 72% know that I don't know?"

Those are the fanatics. How cold anyone actually know if she's doing a good job or not? She has been shelved. Completely.
"Kamala job approval 28%."

Amazing - there are 28% of voters who actually think she's doing a good job? If I were counted among that 28%, I'd be asking "What do the 72% know that I don't know?"
That is the 28% underground who wouldn't voice displeasure...

Correction...27%...probably one percent of the group that Kamala went to her knees to help.
Are they going to go after more conservatives for trespassing/diaries/something else Mickey Mouse or actually do something important?

"Kamala job approval 28%."

Amazing - there are 28% of voters who actually think she's doing a good job? If I were counted among that 28%, I'd be asking "What do the 72% know that I don't know?"
She got less than 1% in the primaries. Less then 1% of the BASE wanted her. And there were lots of other choices.

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