President Biden Accountability Thread

Apparently this is a side affect of dementia meds
Jill and handlers are just plain evil pos
And the rest of the people pretending to support him are as well.
The word is that DOCTOR!!! (in English) Jill and VP BJ don't like each other at all, and that Jill has even asked how to remove Harris via the 25th Amendment.

After the predictable 22 electoral disaster (which really won't mean that much - can you see K McCarty doing much as Speaker - neither can I), the Democrat party will at some point need to dump (so to speak) Depends out of office, to put the shinny new and totally HISTORIC!!! first gal in the White House.

But that will consign to permanent Delaware diaper duty Jill, COS Klain, and the rest of Depend's hangers on. So look for the Party to use their KGB, the FBI, to let it be known that they will investigate (and in a real manner, not the whitewash of Clinton's illegal use of a private email service for top secret information) the various crooked dealings of the Biden family. Plenty of charges to bring on Hunter and send him to the lock up for 10 years if the Party wants.

So after a brief stare down, "his work being done" or so they will claim, Depends slides out the door in late 23, to allow for a year of "the historic first 3rd Thursday in December with a Woman President!!! hype to begin.
President Depends living up to his nickname while in Rome:

The President of the United States shits himself during meetings. Our enemies don’t fear us and our allies don’t respect us. It’s going to be a dangerous 3 more years.

It really is a shitshow. This is supposedly the third or fourth time it has happened in public since the election. One incident was blamed on the White House dog. Who gets the blame this time?
It's elder abuse at this point. Quit trotting him out there. We all know he is a sock puppet. Better to "unmask" those who are really calling the shots so America can see who they voted for.
This race is over. McAuliffe isn’t above 49% in any poll. Likely loses 50-49 or 51-48 (if not more).

A portion of Fox article on Let’s go Bradon.

The phrase became an internet sensation last month after an NBC reporter at a NASCAR Xfinity Series race incorrectly reported that fans in the stands were chanting "Let’s Go Brandon" following a victory by driver Brandon Brown, when they were really shouting, "F--k Joe Biden!"

Memes, jokes, and comments immediately began to spread across the internet posted by users mocking NBC’s coverage during the interview. The "F--k Joe Biden!" chants, which began at some large sporting events across the country as the president’s poll numbers sagged, have now been replaced in some venues with "Let’s Go Brandon" chants.

"This is, I think, a witty and funny viral take on the media’s dishonesty that they tell us something that is clearly not true that we can see with our own eyes, and that is why I think it’s so popular with so many people," Outkick founder Clay Travis said on Monday during "America’s Newsroom."

Liberal pundits heads are exploding.

This idea that public education is supposed to be an autocratic institution that doesn't have to answer to real people is astounding, toxic, and the exact opposite of how public education is supposed to work. It is an agency of local government, which means it's supposed to be among the most heavily influenced by the public.
This idea that public education is supposed to be an autocratic institution that doesn't have to answer to real people is astounding, toxic, and the exact opposite of how public education is supposed to work. It is an agency of local government, which means it's supposed to be among the most heavily influenced by the public.

Maybe 70 years ago or whenever it started. The facts are that the federal government funds most of our public schools even with the local taxes that are taken. Therefore, the Federal government dictates more and more and more what public schools do.

Current events prove that school boards are by and large unaccountable to the public. I basically had the choice of 2 people who are authoritarian, collectivists who don't care what parents want for their children, based on how the winner has voted this year. But there was no information on either to explain what their policy preferences were, just pablum about growing up in Central Texas, family, blah, blah, blah.

Public school is largely a failed program. There are still good schools. There are still classes that teach truth or critical thinking. But it is all shaded to favor socialist central planning, authoritarian edict, climate crisis alarmism, and atheistic evolution.
Maybe 70 years ago or whenever it started. The facts are that the federal government funds most of our public schools even with the local taxes that are taken. Therefore, the Federal government dictates more and more and more what public schools do.

Current events prove that school boards are by and large unaccountable to the public. I basically had the choice of 2 people who are authoritarian, collectivists who don't care what parents want for their children, based on how the winner has voted this year. But there was no information on either to explain what their policy preferences were, just pablum about growing up in Central Texas, family, blah, blah, blah.

Public school is largely a failed program. There are still good schools. There are still classes that teach truth or critical thinking. But it is all shaded to favor socialist central planning, authoritarian edict, climate crisis alarmism, and atheistic evolution.

I understand and mostly agree. I'm talking about how it's supposed to work, not how it actually works.
Current events prove that school boards are by and large unaccountable to the public. I basically had the choice of 2 people who are authoritarian, collectivists who don't care what parents want for their children, based on how the winner has voted this year. But there was no information on either to explain what their policy preferences were, just pablum about growing up in Central Texas, family, blah, blah, blah.

Not surprised. When McAulliffe said parents shouldn't be telling schools what to teach, he said the quiet part out loud. It was a Kinsley gaffe - when a politician screws up by telling the truth or telling what he actually thinks. Most on the Left truly don't think parents should have a say in the process.

I got a feel for that when I dated a granola, liberal chick back in the late '90s (who went on to become a teacher and later a college professor). We were talking politics, and I mentioned that Bush would make a strong presidential candidate, and I brought up education reform as part of his pitch. She asked me for specifics on the reforms he pushed through in 1995. One of them was local control and the devolution of the TEA's authority.

She said that was the opposite of what states should be doing. I asked why, and though she was always kind in her tone (and frankly, not overly woke), she was quite blunt on this. When education policy is set locally, there is potential for parents to "interfere." In her view, education policy should be set at the highest levels possible and with as little influence from politicians (and therefore parents) as possible so that those who "really know" education can do what's "right" for kids.

I think Democratic leaders have largely agreed with her view for decades It's very clear from their policies, but very seldom have politicians been direct about that. McAulliffe just spelled it right out. It would be like a Republican just saying, "yep, we really should execute all women who get abortions."
Looking like a total Republican blowout in VA tonight.

This was in a state Depends won by 10, and hasn’t had a competitive Gov race since 09.

Right now the margin looks insurmountable even with Fairfax county (north VA Democrat stronghold close to DC) vote creation.

The standard trick is to wait till all other counties have returned their totals, then see if it’s close to cheat to a win via fraud.

If it holds it will be a huge shift in politics. The media suck-asses will begin, probably by later tonight, to pile on the Democrat candidate for Gov and say it’s just on him, and is no indication of anything else, which they know is a lie.

Goona be a different political landscape when Depends returns to US soil, so to speak, something he’s used to doing in his diapers.

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