President Biden Accountability Thread

The narrative is crumbling so steps have to be taken that it doesn't happen.

This is what they do. See, Sessions recusing from the RUSSIA!RUSSIA!RUSSIA! investigation does not receive the same type off civil and normal protocols from the Dims.

At some point, the GOP needs to start playing dirty. It's the only way.
Senate Democrats unveil corporate tax for Biden agenda

Once again, the communists want to raise corporate taxes which will be passed on to their customers. EVERYONE knows this. They don't care. They hide behind it being a corporate tax and pretend they are hitting the greediest of them all.

Either prices go up or the products go away because they are no longer profitable. Either way a lose lose for America.
Biden keeps lying and the lib press lets him get away with it. So he keeps repeating the lies.
How many times has he said there were only 2 million vaccinated when he took office? When it is easily proven there were over 10 million
Yesterday he said there are more people employed now than there were right before the pandemic lockdown
Again easily proven there were over 5 million more employed Feb 2020 than end of Sept 2021
NAACP urges athletes to avoid signing with Texas teams over restrictive state laws

Should be interesting to see if this gains any traction. It will take a while for it to play out. I'm surprised they didn't also focus on high school recruits.
I don't see it gaining traction...Texas is still a State free from a State income tax and players know what THAT means. Further, enough of them are smart enough to know that NAACP coming out against something is about like Soros supporting away as quickly as possible.
We're lucky that it doesn't say "$450K each."

Apparently, it actually does:

According to The Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration "is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation" to the tune of total payments totaling "$1 billion or more."
Remember, they think the issues causing them to have to flee their countries were brought on by Uncle Sam's file policies and actions. So, to them, like reparations, this all makes sense.

Things make sense when you have mental disorders that prevent sense from entering your brain.
How can Biden's handlers be so out of touch with voters?
Did they really think this would solidify the Hispanic vote?
It's another example of their racism, actually. They think hispanics are stupid enough, and of course many are, to vote for them because they do this sort of thing. And, also, hispanic are helpless without the gubment. Nothing racist there.
According to The Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration "is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation" to the tune of total payments totaling "$1 billion or more."
Incredible. Don't the Dems realize that these "immigrants" are "illegal immigrants?"
They committed a crime the instant they stepped on American soil - they violated our immigration laws. And we're really considering rewarding people for violating laws??? What part of the word ILLEGAL do these idoits not understand?
Incredible. Don't the Dems realize that these "immigrants" are "illegal immigrants?"
They committed a crime the instant they stepped on American soil - they violated our immigration laws. And we're really considering rewarding people for violating laws??? What part of the word ILLEGAL do these idoits not understand?
They get it. See my Post #2417 above.
President Depends living up to his nickname while in Rome:

The President of the United States shits himself during meetings. Our enemies don’t fear us and our allies don’t respect us. It’s going to be a dangerous 3 more years.
Apparently this is a side affect of dementia meds
Jill and handlers are just plain evil pos
And the rest of the people pretending to support him are as well.
I've always told my wife, "When my time comes and I can't make decisions or communicate, help me. Tell me that it's time to step down."

If you love and respect your spouse, there is no reason to humiliate them in order to make yourself look better.
But, in dementia or the early stages of Alzheimers, the person doesn't know he's being humiliated.

And, Biden has been such a corrupt POS his whole career, I think watching this is beautiful karma for a life lived in such corruption.

But, he doesn't know he's stupid.

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