President Biden Accountability Thread

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:27 AM PT – Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Biden administration admitted North Korea was ignoring them as the regime has continued to test missiles. During a press conference on Friday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said despite the U.S. continuous outreach to leader Kim Jung Un, there has been no response to date.
Biden should appoint Trump as special liaison.
We obviously scared the world with our power and coherence when exiting Afghanistan so you know, North Korea should be very afraid that we have asked them to cease and desist.
Hey President Depends was able to lose the Afganistan war - maybe he can go for the daily double and lose the Korean War too?
I don't know who is really running this show
But we are so screwed
Depend’s Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, is though to be the real decider, along with the sec of state Blinklin and national security adviser Sulliavan, along with input from King Barry via Susan Rice - the woman so stupid she believed in a spontaneous mortaring happened in Libya when the consulate was overrun and the US ambassador burned to death and dragged through the the street.
NK and everyone else know that our focus is this:

1) Triple down on climate change wealth redistribution and ignore all the supply and pricing issues in the reality that is TODAY'S energy arena.
2) Pass legislation such as the now emboldened Gavin Newsom just signed:

Governor Newsom Signs Policing Reform Legislation | California Governor

"At Rowley Park, alongside legislators, community leaders and families of victims of police violence, Governor Gavin Newsom today signed legislation creating a system to decertify peace officers for serious misconduct. The Governor also signed legislation increasing transparency of peace officer misconduct records, improving policing responsibility and accountability guidelines, raising eligibility standards and banning harmful restraint techniques.

“Today marks another step toward healing and justice for all,” said Governor Newsom. “Too many lives have been lost due to racial profiling and excessive use of force. We cannot change what is past, but we can build accountability, root out racial injustice and fight systemic racism. We are all indebted to the families who have persevered through their grief to continue this fight and work toward a more just future.”

3) Continue to bash Republicans who wish to close our borders.
4) Attempt to pass a $3.5 Trillion bill full of patronage and empty promises.
5) Duck from the Afghanistan debacle and move forward as the progressive agenda is not to be deterred, NO MATTER WHAT.
6) And this:

Pennsylvania students want classmate banned from campus for opposing pronoun policy

"We need to remove Logan Dubil from campus as well as others like him who refuse to respect other people pronouns," the petition stated. The petition referenced a policy from the university that requires students to address classmates by their preferred pronouns."

EXCLUSIVE: 'Action could be taken' against students using wrong pronouns at PPU

The university's Misgendering, Pronoun Misuse, and Deadnaming Policy states that “any individual who has been informed of another person’s gender identity, pronouns, or chosen name is expected to respect that individual.” If a complaint is filed regarding this policy, “action could be taken," the email reads.
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France pulls their ambassadors from US. Did I read that correctly, so Biden managed to piss off one of USA long standing friendships.

Liberals consistently acted embarrassed about what Europeans thought about us when Trump was President. Now we have this. It will have zero effect.

AGAIN, as I mentioned about the drone tweet; Liberals are very sick people. It's so obvious.
They are coming after you, one step at a time. See you in the Gulags!

No doubt about it. ANYBODY who thinks the government will be prudent and the school board members will stick to true violence or threats is an idiot.

This will chill all dissent. And it's all about CRT. That is what Liberalism is all about.

That is why it's called Totalitarian Socialism (copyright @Mr. Deez)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:17 AM PT – Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Hunter Biden appeared to be soliciting his “art” to a group of VIPs at an exhibition in Los Angeles. According to reports Tuesday, Hunter’s exhibition at Milk Studios was attended by at least 200 people, most of whom chose to remain anonymous.

The event was organized by Chinese-tied art dealer Georges Bergès and his attempts to sell his work has drawn criticism. Berges was reportedly sued for fraud back in 2016 and he has owed money to credit card companies, a jeweler and furniture company Pier One Imports.

The Big Guy Gets 10%.
CNN is reporting that the suicide bomber who caused the deaths of 13 Americans and dozens of Afghanis had been released from prison at Bagram after Biden abandoned it.
Biden and whoever agreed with abandoning Bagram should be charged somehow.
Another video I’m not allowed to copy and paste. Ex MO Governor at border saying Joe Biden is the biggest human trafficker in the world! One boy was trafficked across the border 17 times. Taking “families” with him across the Rio Grande. Many of these migrant kids are also sex trafficked.
I’m volunteering for a sex trafficking summit in January to get people aware of the epidemic. 200K kids per year are being sex trafficked not counting migrant children. Called Child Proof America.

Nancy Pelosi is the example here, but Biden is doing this as "the big man". You think Hunter Biden isn't getting insider information?
War of words heats up between Sanders, Senate moderates in budget fight

Like Warren, Sanders was rebuked in his run at the Presidency. He is a totalitarian as evidenced by his comments in this article:

"But it is that it is wrong, it is really not playing fair, that one or two people think they should be able to stop what 48 members of the Democratic caucus want, what the American people want, what the president of the United States wants.”

What is a democracy? Majority rules period? The party rules period?

Sanders is telling us that what he wants. He and Warren are out of step (way out of step) with what is right for our country. They are big mouth socialists (100%) and they are uncompromising, delusional idealists.

They are far worse than Trump.

They are not America.
Critics question Garland's school board crackdown after son-in-law revealed as social justice education kingpin

Merrill Garland, the bitter AG, is using the FBI to intimidate parents who object to CRT. Check out who his son in law is:

"Attorney General Merrick Garland, who earlier this week injected the FBI into the nationwide debate over far-left local school curriculums, has a son-in-law whose company has gotten rich peddling K-12 educational materials obsessed with “systemic racism,” "intersectionality," and white supremacy.

Alexander “Xan” Tanner, who
married Garland's daughter Rebecca in 2018, is the co-founder and president of Panorama Education, a major player in the teacher training and curriculum industry. Panorama pushes race-focused surveys and conducts trainings on systemic oppression, white supremacy, unconscious bias, and intersectionality — all under the rubric of "Social-Emotional Learning."

And from the article, here is how the marketing VP of Panorama explains it all away:

"Asked about its co-founder's powerful familial connection, Breese said Panorama and the nation's top prosecutor aren't working together.

“The only relationship between Panorama Education and Attorney General Merrick Garland is that Panorama's co-founder Xan Tanner is AG Garland’s son-in-law,” she said."

Substitute any child of Trump's into "Xan's" role and tell me if that relationship role explanation would fly.
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Can we assume now that all concede Biden is a total eff up if not worse? I think we can. I haven’t seen anybody defending him except by saying Trump was worse. The raccoon in the henhouse was worse than the coyote. Ok

my rhetorical question is this: is anybody surprised even a little? I think not

he was something of a joke way back. Obama sort of hid him, never had him and his wife over for dinner in eight years, etc

he won because the rest of the Dem field were dull, reds or gay. So they put him up, hid him in the basement and let Trump put on his clown show and self destruct

Trump was sort of a mean Claytie Williams

so we are stuck with this idiot show for four years and then what? The Dems wouldn’t dare run Kamala would they? She is less popular than Hillary and would fall off her broom in the primaries no doubt

god only knows who the Dems would end up with and He ain’t talking

the GOP is going to be a bigger mess than the 1860 Dems

hang on, it will be a bumpy ride

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