President Biden Accountability Thread

Absolutely, Monahorns. Those of us who are on fixed income (like me, a retiree) feel the pinch every day. Every time I stop at the gas station or the grocery store, I feel the pinch. Yeh, we'll get a COLA bump on Social Security next year - but that doesn't help now. And a COLA bump in Social Security will be accompanied by an increase in Medicare premiums - probably eating up most of the COLA bump.
And the Biden administration just sits on their hands and tells us how wonderful things will be when they pass their new spending bills. They'll print more money to chase the supply of goods and services, so prices will continue to increase Doesn't anyone in the administration understand the pain that causes?

Biden and his peeps also don't understand we'll pay a higher chunk of sales tax (state) b/c of inflation. Sales tax is based on pricing. Higher prices, higher taxes paid. So he knew he was lying. Most everything I pay for is ten percent or higher. That higher price is taxed at the cash register. We're all getting a double whammy, retirees are getting the worst of it. When we move to east TX we'll be fully retired, it's a bit of a concern
I don't see it happening anytime soon, but the Fed needs to go to war on inflation.

Yeah. The whole financial system is built on not doing it though and it is working for those at the top. The Federal Reserve is a system that centrally plans the whole monetary system. It's socialism. The only way to end it is to end the Federal Reserve and/or find an independent, stable currency.
What's your stance on Bitcoin? China hates it, all the central banks hate it. I'm sure the Fed hates it. But it's scarce and decentralized. Do you think they can kill it? Gary Gensler the SEC Chairman is a Bitcoiner.
AC, I hope not. But the capital gains tax laws they have put on it have made use more problematic in the US. That needs to change or it needs to stabilize in value. That is going to take some time.
The 44% proposal did not pass, everyone with investments is screwed if it does. Of course, we cannot do anything about it. I don't think they get that proposal through. Maybe they do.
So Milley testified before the Senate that he advised slojo to keep 2500_3500 troops there.
McKenzie said same.
Biden says he was never advised that
Who is lying?
So Milley testified before the Senate that he advised slojo to keep 2500_3500 troops there.
McKenzie said same.
Biden says he was never advised that
Who is lying?
We know who is lying. He was also lying about the advice on the evac plan. That plan was so poor that any person with the slightest tactical or strategic experience could see that. Not to mention people that had 25+ years of military planning experience. It was that bad.

Only the state department and a politician could have come up with that.
She's right. They should keep their prices right where they are so they can lower their profit margins and go bankrupt so more people will be on the list of unemployed. Then we can put more workers on the government payroll and make them democratic voters.

We could have our Democratic pals write a law that says anytime taxes increase, prices must decrease. Then we'll get to bankruptcy faster!
I know for a fact that utilities will all pass along any tax rate hikes. When taxes were lowered to 21% during the Trump Administration's tenure, all utilities lowered their rates to the extent of this tax decrease. Liberals said not one word. All the cities demanded these rate reductions to be retroactively applied in accordance with the law and expected every dime to be refunded.

This WILL HAPPEN when taxes are increased and we will watch as the media screams bloody murder at the utility companies for passing it on.

And IT WILL be passed along.
Biden has been caught in lie after lie. Haul is *** in to testify.

This is who the Liberals considered worth the abuse and cutting off of long-time family and friends because the didn't agree:

Full transcript of ABC News' George Stephanopoulos' interview with President Joe Biden

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no one told -- your military advisors did not tell you, "No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It's been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that"?

BIDEN: No. No one said that to me that I can recall. Look, George, the reason why it's been stable for a year is because the last president said, "We're leaving. And here's the deal I wanna make with you, Taliban. We're agreeing to leave if you agree not to attack us between now and the time we leave on May the 1st."

I got into office, George. Less than two months after I elected to office, I was sworn in, all of a sudden, I have a May 1 deadline. I have a May 1 deadline. I got one of two choices. Do I say we're staying? And do you think we would not have to put a hell of a lot more troops? B-- you know, we had hundreds-- we had tens of thousands of troops there before. Tens of thousands.

Do you think we woulda -- that we would've just said, "No problem. Don't worry about it, we're not gonna attack anybody. We're okay"? In the meantime, the Taliban was takin' territory all throughout the country in the north and down in the south, in the Pasthtun area.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So would you have withdrawn troops like this even if President Trump had not made that deal with the Taliban?

BIDEN: I would've tried to figure out how to withdraw those troops, yes, because look, George. There is no good time to leave Afghanistan. Fifteen years ago would've been a problem, 15 years from now. The basic choice is am I gonna send your sons and your daughters to war in Afghanistan in perpetuity?
Exactly, bystander. And the really sad thing is that they do not learn - they keep making the same inputs and expecting a different output.

Their entire being revolves around their delusions. I'm serious. They are not normal people. There is something wrong with them. This is far beyond saying Trump was this or that. They abused George Bush to no end. They are sick sick zealots and we need to stop them at the voting booth.
I know for a fact that utilities will all pass along any tax rate hikes. When taxes were lowered to 21% during the Trump Administration's tenure, all utilities lowered their rates to the extent of this tax decrease. Liberals said not one word. All the cities demanded these rate reductions to be retroactively applied in accordance with the law and expected every dime to be refunded.

This WILL HAPPEN when taxes are increased and we will watch as the media screams bloody murder at the utility companies for passing it on.

And IT WILL be passed along.

True bystander. Another point. Most utilities are run by local or state government. The rates they charge are determined by state legislatures, even for the "private" or non-regulated utilities. So any criticism will be spoken against government. When utilities raise your rates it is government doing it.

Energy rates have been going up even though natural gas rates were at rock bottom prices for many years until this year. The reason is that by law, either due to incentives or direct command, utilities are adding non-reliable, expensive source like wind and solar. Now grid stability is becoming a factor as seen in Texas and California, who have some of the highest %s of non-reliable energy in the US.

The government blames businesses for the failures of government. But government also blames government for the failures of government. They then claim to have the solution to the problem, more government.
Spending $3.5trillion to $5.5 trillion costs nothing per Slow Joe Biden. How dumb can this dolt possibly be? Is there no bottom to the idiocy?
Joe Biden slammed for Build Back Better price claim 'lie'

And they said Trump lied. NEVER believe a Liberal. They cherry pick facts a la carte. It's not that "their" facts are lies, it's that their facts are used as tools of deception. They are not any better than Trump.
We should send this to Biden for Christmas.
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:27 AM PT – Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Biden administration admitted North Korea was ignoring them as the regime has continued to test missiles. During a press conference on Friday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said despite the U.S. continuous outreach to leader Kim Jung Un, there has been no response to date.

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