President Biden Accountability Thread

I've little doubt the accusations are worse than reality. They usually are for politicians. I also recognize James' ambitions and considered this is a left v left crime. Still, the volume of accusers is what convinces me. Unlike an Al Franken who was railroaded by 2(?) accusers there are more in the Cuomo accusation. Additionally, post-#metoo he needed to adapt, as all left wing politicians should have.

The fact that the entire NY delegation (including Schumer) turned against him shows that he's done. This week, next week or at the end of his term it's only a matter of time.

Four big things hurt Franken. First, the photo made the allegation seem believable, even if it had little real bearing on the evidence. Second, Leann Tweeden came across as sincere and didn't seem particularly opportunistic or overly partisan, even though she's a conservative. In fact, if I recall correctly she didn't even call for his resignation. Third, #metoo was at a fever pitch at the time, and Democrats felt they had to take a purist and militant approach.

Finally, there was little reason to stand by Franken. His state had a Democratic governor, so there was no political price to pay by tossing him. Furthermore, though he was well-liked by senators, he actually wasn't a big media darling, wasn't particularly powerful, and wasn't really in anyone's back pocket, so there was no natural set of potential defenders. In short, he simply didn't have a lot of leverage on the key leaders from either party.
Unlike an Al Franken who was railroaded by 2(?) accusers

As I wrote before, as to avoid any chance of Franken being rehabilitated:

He was accused by the woman of grabbing her butt and trying to kiss her during a USO tour, with her being a veteran no less.

He lied about it all, said she was making it up, then the photo of him acting like he was grabbing her breasts, while she was sleeping, was found and published. Sort of cut into his credibility of not harassing her.

This was during the time frame of the Alabama Senate race, where the Republican was being accused of being a perv, so Franken lost his Party Member in Good Standing status that would have allowed a cover up, and was flushed down the sewer like the turd he was.

Made little difference the Party - they bumped up the LT Gov of Minn, so didn't lose the seat, and she was rubber stamped into a full term next election.
As for Cuomo, it will be interesting to see what happens to this turd.

He's lost his Party Member in Good Standing Cover, as other leftist have turned on him. It's not like there's any poltical danger to the Party if he quits - the LTG is a Democrat, and they will win the next Governor's race if he's gone.

Unlike what happened in VA, where the Party and Pravda closed ranks and defended Gov. Blackface / Klan Robes, as it was likely that a Republican was going to end up governor there. For reference, as it never gets old or unfunny:

Governor Ralph Northam, Virginia, Democrat.

His defense, as such, was that he couldn't remember if he was Sambo or the Grand Wizard. Thus, as with Heisenberg's uncertainty theory, since he didn't know which one he was, he was neither, and thus innocent!

The most logical scenario is that turd Cuomo either resigns, or just says that he won't run again. That would probably be enough, and let AG James begin her Historic!!! campaign to become governor, as the Senate seats are filled and the incumbents aren't going anywhere.

He'd have to sit out awhile, but various book deals and cushy profession positions at various universities would be lined up for Cuomo to pad his nest from, and give him what he craves - attention and a role in how the rest of us live our lives.

But ... what if he won't leave? NY is such a crooked state, that he if wanted to, he could bring down any number of other elected leaders who'd taken bribes and stolen state funds, via various well tried and trusted methods.

To remove him, it would take a 2/3 vote in their Senate, and getting 1/3 of any elected body isn't too hard of a task, especially if Cuomo says to them "if I go, you go too".

Maybe the NY ruling class tells him if he does that, they'll seat a grand jury to indict him.

What would be a laugh would be if he just doesn't leave, doesn't get thrown out, runs for re-election, wins the nomination - and then has all the Democrats supporting him in the general election. As above, Northam survived being Sambo or the Grand Wizard, so who's to say Gov Gropy won't survive as well?

In CA, Newsome is battling to keep his job as there will be a recall election 14 Sep, which is polling at neck and neck for if he survives. Would be a hoot if the Democrat governors of NY and CA are both tossed out.

Not that it matters - both are one party states, and their ruling class would simply ignore anything a Republican governor did, all while having their state police run a (frequently leaked to the media) investigation to see if they'd committed some crime at some point in their life.
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I have no sympathy for Cuomo. However, there is something that is worth noting. Letitia James is a left-wing kook who doesn't like Cuomo and wants to be governor of New York. She has a very clear political motive in this - much like someone from the opposing party would.

I'm not saying he's innocent. I strongly doubt that be is. However, it would not at all surprise if the charges are significantly worse than the facts. In fact, I would be pretty surprised if they were not.
You say "left-wing kook" as if there is anything besides that.
Look, Biden et al is going to do everything conceivable, and even the inconceivable, to make our gas prices (and petro energy in general) so high we are all clambering for ‘green’ energy. And believe me pockets will be lined while doing so - just not yours or mine. Hmmm, sounds like the whole Pharma plot donchathink.
Oil prices won't approach unreliable source prices and there would be much worse power outages. But I bet he and the Ds start screaming for solar and wind no matter what % oil prices go up, even 10%.
There is a another thread about climate change. Is it real or not? I am a geologist, we study the past, climate does change. Does that mean everyone should buy EV? Well that means digging up the metals to make the batteries, buying plastics from chemical companies to make the cars lighter . Point is it is a trade off.
Eight months in so let’s see what has occurred:

- inflation at record levels
- border crisis
- Afghanistan crisis
- Cuba crisis
- crime is out of control
- pandemic worse than before he took office
- country more divided than ever
What the **** is this? Cancels pipelines here but asks OPEC for more oil? Screw you Biden!!!

Yeah, I don't understand the agenda here. Shutdown Keystone XL, sign off on a pipeline that helps Russia and hurts Ukraine, and then beg OPEC for more oil production. I don't see how it arguably helps from a climate change perspective either. We're not cutting our fossil fuel use. We're just ensuring that OPEC oil interests get the money from our fossil fuel use rather than US oil interests.
^From the linked article:

"Mayorkas announced on Thursday that migrant encounters increased by 13% in July, with 212,672 encounters compared to June’s 188,000 migrant encounters. Under the Trump administration in July of last year, there were just 40,929 encounters."

The numbers speak for themselves - migrant encounters are up by a factor of 5 under Biden. And they're blaming Trump for that increase? :brickwall:
^From the linked article:

"Mayorkas announced on Thursday that migrant encounters increased by 13% in July, with 212,672 encounters compared to June’s 188,000 migrant encounters. Under the Trump administration in July of last year, there were just 40,929 encounters."

The numbers speak for themselves - migrant encounters are up by a factor of 5 under Biden. And they're blaming Trump for that increase? :brickwall:

Just wait; they'll say they're trying harder.

The will. You know they will.
^From the linked article:

"Mayorkas announced on Thursday that migrant encounters increased by 13% in July, with 212,672 encounters compared to June’s 188,000 migrant encounters. Under the Trump administration in July of last year, there were just 40,929 encounters."

The numbers speak for themselves - migrant encounters are up by a factor of 5 under Biden. And they're blaming Trump for that increase? :brickwall:
"Thanks Obama".
And NOW Biden is sending in 3,000 elite Marines and Army 82nd to try to protect the Americans he stupidly exposed.
Any of you in here who voted for him(and we know who you are)
Will you admit Biden et al has been disastrous for our country?
And NOW Biden is sending in 3,000 elite Marines and Army 82nd to try to protect the Americans he stupidly exposed.
Any of you in here who voted for him(and we know who you are)
Will you admit Biden et al has been disastrous for our country?

He's screwing this up, but do keep in mind that Trump was planning a unilateral withdrawal as well. It's stupid, but it was going to happen regardless of who won the election.
Eight months in so let’s see what has occurred:

- inflation at record levels
- border crisis
- Afghanistan crisis
- Cuba crisis
- crime is out of control
- pandemic worse than before he took office
- country more divided than ever
Who cares? At least he acts like an adult and is presidential. Well, except when he calls people fat, dog faced pony soldiers, challenges people to push up contests, says he would like to punch the, at the time, sitting president in the mouth, and can barely finish the most basic of sentences without the awkward stutter.

But, he's very adult and presidential otherwise.
Open border and you are telling me about Covid, why don’t you take one of issues seriously. Either Covid is going to kill people or you think you can take care of everyone. Not both.
I think we all knew the Taliban would come back. We either had to make the choice of a permanent force in Afghanistan or leave. They are the enemy of civilization. You can't negotiate with them. You either kill them or leave.
Has anyone checked to see if Hunter is on the board for the Taliban?

Ordinarily I'd assume that they wouldn't take a dude who bangs hookers, but then I remembered that the 9/11 hijackers went to a titty bar right before the attacks. Maybe Hunter would fit in well as a jihadist.

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