President Biden Accountability Thread

the more obvious explanation is that some simple minded people take to heart the nonsense in the Declaration of Independence and the teachings of that bronze age mystic from Nazareth

They are slaves to the idea of altruism to such an extent that they want to accomplish it with other people's money.
the more obvious explanation is that some simple minded people take to heart the nonsense in the Declaration of Independence and the teachings of that bronze age mystic from Nazareth

They are slaves to the idea of altruism to such an extent that they want to accomplish it with other people's money.

That's not something I can even begin to respond to. But encouraging poor women from Mexico to come over and anchor their babies in our country is a fact on the ground and your esoteric assumption of an objection to this type of immigration travesty means nothing to me. It doesn't solve any problem and puts the blame on the right. Nope. The blame is 100% on Biden's Administration. The facts are plain as day.
Unless you're Bob Dylan or some sort of true artist who can actually think, create and live free by your own rain making, those normal folks who adopt some sort of progressive mind-set of hating the founders wonderful documents and assuming those of us who agree with them to be idiots or racists, are just trying to cast themselves into some lofted status of consciousness.

In the real world, human beings take advantage of every advantage given to them. They lose the incentive for work ethic's rewards when they are handed a living. Politicians would become Dictators if we let them. They are all charlatans. The founding documents are the best thing to counter all of that. Anarchy is what the Left wants in the name of some sort of ridiculous zero tolerance for the ordinary problems of life. It's not realistic and their vile arrogance is only a sign of their OCD and emotional hang-ups. Their reaction is not normal. It is beyond the pale. And to believe they are operating in good faith out of love is the cruelest joke of all to America.
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Border Patrol agents in Texas find 74 illegal immigrants smuggled in trailers


They say human beings rationalize what is overwhelming to the mind. Liberals rationalize and encourage this. This numbers mean nothing to them. It's like the national debt. It's so large nobody cares anymore. It's taken on an aura of meaninglessness but it lurks...

That is why ALL politicians in DC are charlatans and liars; and those who arrogantly and loudly applaud them are the most pathetic people of all.
Column: Does Biden intend to curtail the Supreme Court's powers?

This is a direct assault on our Constitution by the Legislative Branch to destroy the checks and balances. It is being pushed by the totalitarians because they know the Constitution is in the way of their power play.


Progressives must be crushed at the polls. They are BY FAR worse than Trump ever was. This is the proof along with everything else I've posted.
It is being pushed by the totalitarians because they know the Constitution is in the way of their power play.
Makes you realize how brilliant the framers of the Constitution were - they knew the dangers of a powerful government, and framed the law to include checks and balances to avoid a power grab.
Hasn’t exactly worked as they planned, has it?

It's not the fault of the Constitution as amended to date. It's the fault of human beings. I get the impression you are wishing to defer now to the human judgment of Liberal judges and politicians as if they are legal scholars, devoid of ego, despotism or self-interest. And as they accumulate power, it is clear what they will do. Their hatred is noted. They will operate with impunity; seizing assets by legislation and destroying anyone who stands in their way.

Here is one of them:

Fairfax County activist on parents opposing critical race theory: 'Let them die'
What it says is they are totalitarians and it's much worse then when they gain full power. Biden is the pretense of moderation. The real power are monsters with no intent on following our laws (See failure to police riots) or the Constitution in general (see Biden's council to study the Supreme Court),

They are the enemy. Those who vote for them are not to be taken seriously except in how they so willingly hand their vote to these people. Otherwise they are engaging in massive amounts of confirmation bias of all that is "good." There is no thought. They don't want to hear reason. They don't believe in human nature. It's only about oppression. And they have abdicated their minds to this in the name of virtue signaling.
What does it say about the Biden Admin that they publicly admit they are asking for private citizens' free speech to be stifled?
Seems like it suggests they are skipping communism and socialism and moving directly to the merging of corporate and government interests (or what used to actually be fascism).
Bystander; your impressions re my snarky comments are almost always mistaken. Please refrain from putting your patina on my sarcastic remarks.
I suggest you read The Anti/Federalist Papers. Those guys saw clearly that the safeguards were not going to work. Patrick Henry et al saw that the Constitution was a blueprint for a constantly enlarging government. Which is why worshipping it is a waste
Bystander; your impressions re my snarky comments are almost always mistaken. Please refrain from putting your patina on my sarcastic remarks.
I suggest you read The Anti/Federalist Papers. Those guys saw clearly that the safeguards were not going to work. Patrick Henry et al saw that the Constitution was a blueprint for a constantly enlarging government. Which is why worshipping it is a waste

Not impressed. You wish the progressive alternative. The only precedent is disaster. We can close on that. The worship comment is your insult; not my defense. Life is relative and what you offer is nothing...
the more obvious explanation is that some simple minded people take to heart the nonsense in the Declaration of Independence and the teachings of that bronze age mystic from Nazareth

They are slaves to the idea of altruism to such an extent that they want to accomplish it with other people's money.
Disagree. They are slaves to the human condition that the Declaration of Independence and the Nazarene EXPLICITLY addresses in a variety of ways. Obviously not a cure-all l, but words of guidance and forbearance.
Bystander; your impressions re my snarky comments are almost always mistaken. Please refrain from putting your patina on my sarcastic remarks.
I suggest you read The Anti/Federalist Papers. Those guys saw clearly that the safeguards were not going to work. Patrick Henry et al saw that the Constitution was a blueprint for a constantly enlarging government. Which is why worshipping it is a waste

Damn huisache. I am right with you on this. Reading some history also has shown the Federalists used many dirty tricks to censor, bully, and trick state assemblies to pass.
Not impressed. You wish the progressive alternative. The only precedent is disaster. We can close on that. The worship comment is your insult; not my defense. Life is relative and what you offer is nothing...

No bystander. The alternative was freedom. Levianthan has grown year by year to what we see today. Freedom would have been a different set up.
No bystander. The alternative was freedom. Levianthan has grown year by year to what we see today. Freedom would have been a different set up.

I don't see it. What does it look like. This is all about the relative nature of reality and governance. These documents fail because people and politicians fail. The only way to make them infallible is to control the people, then they become not freedom but instead totalitarianism.
I don't see it. What does it look like. This is all about the relative nature of reality and governance. These documents fail because people and politicians fail. The only way to make them infallible is to control the people, then they become not freedom but instead totalitarianism.

I agree that people are the issue. If people fought harder to abide by the Constitution we would have more freedom today. However, the Constitution included openings for bad actors to exploit. And the Federalists played dirty to get it passed. We could have had a better document that would have legally been a better protection. But that wasn't what we got by design.
Graham says adding amnesty to infrastructure bill could be ‘dumbest idea’ in history of the Senate, WH

The Democrats consider amnesty to be part of infrastructure. They are unhinged. They cannot be trusted. They lie and twist words and arrogantly attack you if you don't fall under their spell. Every Liberal in America is either too needy or too starry eyed, because they sit around acting like saints in their words while ignoring that their leaders are corrupt, vote buying, anti-American charlatans.
An excerpt from the link cited by bystander -

"The White House has dubbed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to bring to the floor this week — and the $3.5 trillion budget resolution that Democrats plan to pass in the coming days without Republican support — the “Build Back Better” package. Biden said Monday that the two bills will help prevent, rather than exacerbate, runaway inflation."

So, according to Biden, having more money chasing the current supply of goods/services will not lead to inflation - that doesn't match what I was taught in Econ 201.
An excerpt from the link cited by bystander -

"The White House has dubbed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to bring to the floor this week — and the $3.5 trillion budget resolution that Democrats plan to pass in the coming days without Republican support — the “Build Back Better” package. Biden said Monday that the two bills will help prevent, rather than exacerbate, runaway inflation."

So, according to Biden, having more money chasing the current supply of goods/services will not lead to inflation - that doesn't match what I was taught in Econ 201.

They are the absolute worst. They lie all day long and hide behind a compliant media investigating Trump. They must be crushed in the next election. They are the enemy.
Those of us who study Liberalism are stuck on two possibilities: 1) They are Machiavellians whose quest for power is so informed by obsession and hatred of our country that they will do anything to win elections or 2) They're stupid.

Birth ‘tourism’ set to explode with Biden’s encouragement

For the record, your obsession with "liberal obsession" is quite comical. Every one of these posts below is @bystander talking about liberal obsession. This is your mirror reflecting back at you.
Here's a view of how much you talk about other's hate.

Do you want me to show how much you talk about others hypocrisy?

With all due respect, brother. You profess to be a good Christian but consuming Yahoo news all day is turning you into exactly what you profess to despise. If I did nothing but consume FoxNews, Breitbart or Gateway Pundit I might be in the same boat. Look at a more diverse set of news and you'll notice that many of these news stories are written simply to get a reaction from the reader and ultimately get you coming back.

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