President Biden Accountability Thread

1) Reparations
2) Defund the police
3) Destroy the Oil & Gas industry as soon as possible
4) Student debt forgiveness
5) Open borders
6) Pack the Supreme Court
7) Defer to the UN
8) White privilege campaign
9) Cancel culture (This is the weapon to achieve all their aims)
10) AOC & The Crew
11) Global minimum tax

Doubling the capital gains tax
And naturally, all the idiots are trying to come out and say it would only impact those who are over $1M while ignoring that there are A LOT of people who have IRA/401K accounts that are over that level at retirement and the entire point OF those accounts is to live on for retirement, meaning you just took 40% of the retirement fund when all is said and done.

They are trying to pass socialism in plain sight...
They are trying to pass socialism in plain sight...
Again, we can only hope that one moderate Democratic senator from a red state will realize that his chances for reelection depend on breaking ranks with the Party on the more radical ideas. That will have to do until the midterm elections (and a red wave throughout Congress).
And naturally, all the idiots are trying to come out and say it would only impact those who are over $1M while ignoring that there are A LOT of people who have IRA/401K accounts that are over that level at retirement and the entire point OF those accounts is to live on for retirement, meaning you just took 40% of the retirement fund when all is said and done.

They are trying to pass socialism in plain sight...
Not to burst your anger, but 401k’s and IRA’s are taxed as personal income when money is withdrawn. So, the tax rate will be 15-39% depending on your income.
Not to burst your anger, but 401k’s and IRA’s are taxed as personal income when money is withdrawn. So, the tax rate will be 15-39% depending on your income.
There are an awful lot of people who have various investment vehicles THROUGH the 401K and IRA' well as some who have things like homes in a family trust, which the left now wants to hit even worse than already could occur with the death taxes.

And yeah, I AM concerned and angry precisely because I invested beginning at an early age. Not huge sums and not even always even lots. I've also been doing DRPs since the advent of the internet...again, not huge sums, but some of those companies have done incredibly well. A bunch of my HD is stuff that was acquired below thirty bucks a share and has been held now for coming up on thirty years. HD was trading around $325 before the Biden-induced sell-0ff. Some of the hit on XOM stock will have come from passing through mom when dad died, but we had some of what the old-timers called the two-dollar shares acquired in the early 70's through the ESOP.

The left wants to foster a culture that responsible people are somehow evil. They WANT people dependent upon sucking at the government teet and they want to punish those of us who have actually planned for our futures.
There are an awful lot of people who have various investment vehicles THROUGH the 401K and IRA' well as some who have things like homes in a family trust, which the left now wants to hit even worse than already could occur with the death taxes.

And yeah, I AM concerned and angry precisely because I invested beginning at an early age. Not huge sums and not even always even lots. I've also been doing DRPs since the advent of the internet...again, not huge sums, but some of those companies have done incredibly well. A bunch of my HD is stuff that was acquired below thirty bucks a share and has been held now for coming up on thirty years. HD was trading around $325 before the Biden-induced sell-0ff. Some of the hit on XOM stock will have come from passing through mom when dad died, but we had some of what the old-timers called the two-dollar shares acquired in the early 70's through the ESOP.

The left wants to foster a culture that responsible people are somehow evil. They WANT people dependent upon sucking at the government teet and they want to punish those of us who have actually planned for our futures.
Dems want Republicans to pay off the debt.
Biden promises to bump up capital gains tax and the market falls. 401K’s drop. There will be less investment in new businesses.

I will wait on one of the resident Dems to say this is yet another good decision by Biden.

And if you voted for Biden, you are an idiot.
Biden promises to bump up capital gains tax and the market falls. 401K’s drop. There will be less investment in new businesses.

I will wait on one of the resident Dems to say this is yet another good decision by Biden.

And if you voted for Biden, you are an idiot.
I wonder what the upper middle class folks in GA who voted Biden are now thinking.
Anybody want to understand Biden, read Philip Dick's The Penultimate Truth. Biden is either Yancey Talbot or Stanton Brose. Probably a combination of both.
So the Dems are serious about statehood for the District - an obvious powergrab to firm their control of the Senate. If they want the residents of D.C. to be represented, why not just give the land back to Maryland?
If they do give statehood to D.C., maybe we can get the folks in Wyoming to split the state in two and create a new state of East Wyoming. That would add two Republican senators - and since each state has at least one representative in Congress, East Wyoming would get a seat (also a pretty safe Republican district).
And while we're at it, maybe we can get Utah to split into two states - North Utah and South Utah. Creates two more safe Republican senate seats.
As of today, 570,000 illegals have been captured this year at the U.S. -Mexican border, which is more than the total captured in 2020.

20,000 unaccompanied minor illegal aliens are being housed by HHS in tents and cages. So much for the argument that the illegals are coming for jobs, unless you consider being a sexual trafficking victim a job. Why is Slow Joe allowing them in to the U.S., which is separating them from their parents?

Haven't heard the exact number of dead children ranchers have found, but they are beginning to mount, and the ranchers are complaining. Slow Joe and the Libs are killing children.

I guess Slow Joe's call for a "surge to the border" is being heeded very nicely. Now the Libs can add to their whining about the "income disparity" since these illegals won't have jobs, or will be working for minimum wages.
As of today, 570,000 illegals have been captured this year at the U.S. -Mexican border, which is more than the total captured in 2020.

When you put it that way, the libs will spin it as just an effort to replace the deaths across the past year attributed to 'rona...which somehow makes breaking the law something (else) to be exalted (we already KNOW they like making saints out of longtime criminals).
When you put it that way, the libs will spin it as just an effort to replace the deaths across the past year attributed to 'rona...which somehow makes breaking the law something (else) to be exalted (we already KNOW they like making saints out of longtime criminals).
You mean Austere Religious Scholars and Justice Involved Individuals?
You can't make this up
Biden has Cuomo heading up the weekly governors call on the pandemic crisis :facepalm:
But wait
There is more

Neither SoJoe or Camela will participate in the call
This is true guys. He's not BSing you. :arrow-up:
Cuomo is heading up the call with Governers!
I don't think that is what generated the other is, IMO, a crock of warmed over bovine excrement that #HandsyAndy is being given top reign on a sniffles conference considering how much he mismanaged is own state.

Hell, NY might not have lost a representative if Cuomo doesn't run so many out of the jurisdiction with his failed policies.
Exactly. Having Cuomo the killer head up a call on how to handle the pandemic is as insane as if the UN had Iran head up a panel on protecting women's rights.

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