It astounds me how effective claiming an investigation to be a "political witchhunt" is as a political strategy. Of course, in the case of Gaetz, it's pretty laughable, because the inquiry started under Trump's DoJ. Do Trump and William Barr have a political axe to grind against Matt Gaetz? Quite the opposite, if anything. Having said that, I do recognize that prosecutions of politicians are frequently done for political reasons. It definitely happens, but none of that makes the accused any less guilty. The response from the public should be, "OK, so what?"
At least for now, I'm reserving judgment on "Gym" Jordan. (I laughed at that.) I'll admit I haven't followed the story very closely, but has there been anything conclusive that he actually knew what was going on? What I've heard so far is claims that "it was impossible for him not to know." That's pretty weak. Did anyone put anything in writing and give it to him? On something that serious, you'd think someone would - a letter, a fax, an e-mail, etc. I'm not doubting that this doctor molested these wrestlers. However, let's remember that this is the subject of a civil lawsuit. Ordinarily if an employee rapes somebody, you don't get to sue the employer (the deep pockets) unless you can somehow tie it to the employer. Well, proving that the coach knew about it and did nothing about it is one way to get there, so there's a reason to lie. Obviously Jordan has a reason to lie too, but if it's a he-said-she-said and nothing more, I tend to presume innocence.