Then why spout that horse ****?
That's Monday morning quarterbacking, and you don't know if that would have made a big difference. Most of the public health infrastructure is at the state level. It made sense to coordinate things through the states. Furthermore, every state had different challenges, so any kind of federal management should have been approached with skepticism.
And of course, we left the states on their own except dumping a bunch of federal money on them, providing equipment, and developing a friggin vaccine in record time. In other words, we didn't leave them on their own. There was a massive federal intervention, and anything beyond it would have been constitutionally suspect.
We politicize the national anthem, public bathrooms, professional sports, and friggin soap dispensers. Why wouldn't we politicize public health? But where's your credibility? When you all said it was xenophobic to keep people from Wuhan from entering the United States, that was pretty friggin political. When your side said, "screw self-isolating, go protest and riot," were you not politicizing pubic health? That's the problem. Yes, Trump politicized public health, but what the hell were you all doing? You and many supposed "experts" turned out to be the worst offers. And with respect to the vaccine, do you remember what Kamala Harris and Andrew Cuomo said about it?
Remove the friggin plank from your eye, dude.