Post Left Wing looniness here

Agree. So how far do we let Putin go?
Do you think he will stop at Ukraine?

That is the million dollar question. Too bad US and Western leaders (of all political parties) are too stupid and foolish to determine any of this.

For me, I don't know. I thought Russia wouldn't go any further than Donbas. I didn't think they would invade near Kiev. I think Putin has miscalculated myself. I think he has given the US justification for entering.

If I had been negotiating. I would have promised to remove missile launchers out of Romania, not deploy any more in Eastern Europe, and promise that Ukraine isn't going to be in NATO. I would have followed that up with discussing ways of improving trade between US, EU, and Russia.

On the flip side the red line would be invasion across the Dnieper River. That is outside Donbas and would threaten more European Ukraine. I would have asked for EU help to back that up without invoking the name of NATO. The justification would be that the West will not allow Russia to take over the geography of the USSR or meddle with Eastern Europe. But there has to be a European buildup and commitment. If they don't commit, then the US should just let Russia do what they want. Russia can't project power very far. They are far to poor to do so. They are no threat to the US.
No Trumo never actually called for dismantling.
He did call for U.S. to stop funding it disproportionately to the Euro countries who got OUR money and protection
And he did call into the question of NATO'S mission when Germany didn't fund NATO as mandated while creating a billions if dollars deal with Russia.
Do you not understand the frustration?
Trump merely wanted deadbeats, like Germany, to pay their obligated percent of GDP for defense, to be able to be a useful part of NATO, instead of freeloading off the US. For this, he was declared by the media-Democrat complex as a NATO hater.

The question of German isn't will they pay their share for defense - promises from this week aside, they will most likely do a Wimpy and pay next year for a hamburger today. And certainly the question isn't would Germany fight in defense of another NATO member - that's downright laughable.

The question is would Germany fight if someone like Russian invaded Germany? I tend to doubt it. They'd surrender, then blame the US, while making advanced weapons for the Russians.
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So it was a scheduled Young Conservatives event?
All I can see in the audience are idiots disrupting.
There don't seem to be any conservative students.

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