Post Left Wing looniness here

I don’t see why these characters think it’s strange for a Black man to be a Republican. That’s what Martin Luther King Jr was and the Inauguration Day was on his day. So remind them next year—we come together as a Nation to celebrate a Black Republican.
So was Jackie Robinson.
I don’t see why these characters think it’s strange for a Black man to be a Republican. That’s what Martin Luther King Jr was and the Inauguration Day was on his day. So remind them next year—we come together as a Nation to celebrate a Black Republican.

They think it's strange because blacks have voted heavily and reliably Democratic for 90 years. The party has taken them for granted and presumes them to be a sure thing. They also know that anything less than wildly strong black support means almost certain defeat. Accordingly, when a high profile black person shows anything but contempt for the GOP, they go after him or her very hard. There's very little margin for error.
Think Dems better get used to it. It looks like many of ALL people are starting to pay attention to who supports and effects policies that affect ordinary people . No matter skin color.
Might be one good effect of social media
Think Dems better get used to it. It looks like many of ALL people are starting to pay attention to who supports and effects policies that affect ordinary people . No matter skin color.
Might be one good effect of social media

She got 86 percent of blacks, 51 percent of Latinos, and 55 percent of Asians. That simply isn't going to cut it when you look like a freak show to 57 percent of whites.
Sub headline is BS. There wasn’t decades of DEI. Equal opportunity? Yes, but not it’s more sinister child’s DEI.

Any firemen out there...? How about this for a last-ditch effort:

Call in pumps, fire trucks w/ pumps, and above all hoses and more hoses from all over the Western U.S. Hook up hoses and pumps in long strings. Pump sea water from the ocean to the fires (or at least those fires within several miles of the ocean-and there are some of those).
Where were the firefighter boats that exist all over the world. Seaside homes could have been saved.

Netflix musical about transgender mobster breaks Oscar nomination record

"Netflix’s musical drama about a transgender mobster has broken Oscar records to become the most nominated film not in the English language.

Emilia Perez proved divisive among critics but not so among awards voters, who have recognized the film in 13 categories – just one shy of the all-time record held by All About Eve (1950), Titanic (1997) and La La Land (2016) after a snub for its supporting star Selena Gomez."

Netflix musical about transgender mobster breaks Oscar nomination record

"Netflix’s musical drama about a transgender mobster has broken Oscar records to become the most nominated film not in the English language.

Emilia Perez proved divisive among critics but not so among awards voters, who have recognized the film in 13 categories – just one shy of the all-time record held by All About Eve (1950), Titanic (1997) and La La Land (2016) after a snub for its supporting star Selena Gomez."

It's a Spanish language movie with trans themes and gives the Academy a chance to give the Best Actress award to a guy. The virtue signaling opportunities are just too much for them to resist.
It's a Spanish language movie with trans themes and gives the Academy a chance to give the Best Actress award to a guy. The virtue signaling opportunities are just too much for them to resist.

That's for sure. Reading articles about it now shows that it has middle of the road scores from both critics and audiences. That should be nowhere near fourth most Oscar nominations of all-time (with three films tied for most ever).
In 2001, California Governor,Gray Davis, declared war on Texas for “ energy price gouging.”

24 years later, now that all dust has settled, the anti-oil industry litigation finished and the smoke has cleared, I think we all can agree they lost.
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We have aprox. 1500 military on a base in Honduras. Not an entire base. We do not directly pay for that But she might want to take a look at the millions we do send in various forms of aid
That can be stopped.
China must be paying her a lot.
I have a great idea. We send them back all their criminals and the US military that is there comes back to the US to send even more Hondurans back to Honduras.
None of the illegal’s wages earned here should be allowed back to Honduras

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