Post Left Wing looniness here

Guess my company didn't get the memo on DEI. I have to come up with objectives on how to achieve this...any suggestions?


Create new classes of inclusion such as

Most annoying
Latest to work
Most under sales quota

For far too long have these categories of people been excluded and fired! No more at this firm. Now they belong.
What about when someone accepts Jesus Christ and since then has tried to redeem themselves?
Can they through actions become a "GoodGuy"?
What about when someone accepts Jesus Christ and since then has tried to redeem themselves?
Can they through actions become a "GoodGuy"?

Of course, we don't become good guys by our actions. God credits our faith as righteousness, not our deeds, and our good deeds are evidence of our righteousness, not the cause of it.

My concern with putting a guy like Hegseth as SecDef is that his bad behavior is pretty recent. It's one thing to do stupid stuff in your 20s and then 25 years later you want to be SecDef. It's quite another to do stupid stuff in your late 30s and want to be SecDef in your early to mid 40s. Is it totally disqualifying? Perhaps not in light of the low standards we've already set for leaders. Is it far less than ideal? Yes.
Double standards and all that.

Double standards, but remember the point of it is to wield power not to appropriately govern or protect the country. These are Machiavellians who do anything they can to win. Republicans have accepted the loser role. So they roll over and submit. Trump doesn't so that is why both sides try to destroy him.
This will shock NO ONE. Prob can't be proven but in light of events very plausible
Jeffrey Epstein was offered a sweetheart plea deal by federal prosecutors in return for incriminating information that would lead to President Trump’s impeachment, according to the late pedophile’s cellmate.
He says, but the government told me I don’t have to prove what I say about Trump, as long as Trump’s people can’t disprove it,” Tartaglione said — adding that Epstein considered “making stuff up” to save his skin. Tartaglione never said what Epstein ultimately planned to do."

My sister-in-law is one of the 20%. As someone who has never played sports and never even watches anything ever, she insists that men on hormone blockers are no different than women. THAT is the stupid brainwashed left we have to deal with. The vast majority of them have never touched a ball of any kind and have no idea what they're talking about.

Around 21:35 - "Energy prices declined in the mid-1980s worldwide owing to conservation."

Nice try Bozo. The reality is that energy prices declined in the 1980s due to massive cheating on production quotas by OPEC members.

"Conservation" was a drop in the bucket. It's not that demand constricted. Rather, the world oil market was flooded with cheap oil produced by OPEC countries producing and selling far more oil than their negotiated OPEC quotas.

And this clown is a history professor at U. of Arizona. :tap:
He's absolutely right about the bat **** crazy neocons and corporate oligarchs who hijacked government. You have to be a ******* imbecile not to see what their insane policies have cost this country. Are you that ignorant?
He's absolutely right about the bat **** crazy neocons and corporate oligarchs who hijacked government. You have to be a ******* imbecile not to see what their insane policies have cost this country. Are you that ignorant?
For you:


My post sets forth that the primary cause of low (and very low) oil prices in the 1980s was the following: "The reality is that energy prices declined in the 1980s due to massive cheating on production quotas by OPEC members." This professor ignores that completely, and claims that lowering demand drove the oil price crash of the 1980s. (did you live in Texas in the 1980s....?)

Your vitriolic personal attack post is about some other point--a point that I do not make.

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