Post Left Wing looniness here

For you:


My post sets forth that the primary cause of low (and very low) oil prices in the 1980s was the following: "The reality is that energy prices declined in the 1980s due to massive cheating on production quotas by OPEC members." This professor ignores that completely, and claims that lowering demand drove the oil price crash of the 1980s. (did you live in Texas in the 1980s....?)

Your vitriolic personal attack post is about some other point--a point that I do not make.
Here's a summary for you from an AI robot:

"In the 1980s, OPEC members frequently cheated on their production quotas, which contributed to the oil price crash. This was due to a number of factors, including:

  • Incentives: It was individually rational for members to cheat and produce as much oil as possible.
  • Lack of punishment: OPEC did not punish members for non-compliance.
  • Oversupply: Non-OPEC nations were supplying most of the West's imports.
  • Saudi Arabia's role: Saudi Arabia was the biggest producer and had the most unused production capacity.
What happened?
  • Saudi Arabia's actions: Saudi Arabia changed its pricing structure and began producing at full capacity to punish other OPEC countries.
  • Price war: The price war was a result of Saudi Arabia's actions and the realization that Saudi cuts were encouraging high-cost production.
  • Price collapse: The price of oil fell to as low as $7 per barrel.

What was the result?

  • OPEC's share of the world market dropped to less than a third in 1985.
  • The era of contract oil prices ended.
  • The 1987 Dow crash was foreshadowed by a tumble in oil price. "
Yes. If Wilson doesn't send the US into WW1, there is never Hitler or Nazis. The lesson is wars lead to cultural upheaval and more war. The more you know...

WWI is an issue which I'm still considering. If the US hadn't entered WWI, the Central Powers would likely have won, and Germany would likely dominate the continent. On the west, the Alsace-Lorraine, Belgium, and Luxembourg would likely be German. To the east, Austria, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, and a hunk of western Russia would probably be German today. But there would have been some major upsides.

1. No Nazis or Hitler, which means no WWII (at least not in the European theater), and therefore . . .

2. Though Jews likely would have faced mistreatment, there probably would not have been a Holocaust.

3. You may still have had a Russian Revolution, but the Kaiserreich likely would have crushed the Bolsheviks in their infancy, and therefore . . .

4. No USSR, no Cold War, no PRC, no North Korea, no Ayatollah, and no Vietnam War.

5. Also, though it would have been humbled and had to share dominance with Germany, the British Empire likely wouldn't have fallen, since most of the nationalist movements in the Empire likely wouldn't have had significant external support from international communists.

6. The Ottoman Empire would control vast areas of the Middle East and North Africa. Though the Ottomans weren't choirboys, they were better than most of what's in charge now and has been in charge since decolonization.

7. Though the Kaiser would likely still be in place in Germany, by now, it would probably be more like the British monarch - a respected figurehead and source of national pride than a center of power. After all, the guy who'd be Kaiser now (Georg Friedrich Prinz) runs a brewery that makes an excellent Pilsner. He'd probably be cool.

On the other hand, some things could have gone badly. All of the above presumes that an undefeated Germany would have been largely benevolent, would have eventually given up its ambition of land, and would have eventually worked out its differences with the West (Britain, France, and the United States). Some possible downsides.

1. What would Germany have done with the ethnic majorities in its newly-conquered territories to the East? Hitler pushed Lebensraum and Drang nach Osten, but they weren't new to him. Imperial Germany believed in these too, including the Germanization of eastern nations. Maybe the Kaiserreich would have been nicer and less Jew-focused than the Nazis were, but those ideas were inseparable from ethnic cleansing. It would have gotten ugly.

2. More speculative than #1 but still a real possibility, what if the communists had eventually overthrown the Kaiser and taken power in Germany? Prior to the Machtergreifung, communism was a major political force in Germany both within its official party and within the SPD. In fact, at one time, the SPD was the largest Marxist party in Europe. Without the Nazis stomping it out (which is the main reason the political Left despises Hitler), a successful communist revolution wouldn't have been out of the question. That would have been even messier than the formation of the Soviet Union and would have negated a lot of the good things listed above.

3. What if a dominant Germany hadn't resolved its differences with Britain and undermined the Empire as the Soviet Union did? I suspect it would have resolved them in time, and we would have had a British Empire that ruled foreign territories through the Royal Navy and a German Empire that ruled most of continental Europe through the Imperial German Army, but it's not out of the question that it wouldn't have. And of course, that would have negated some of what happened above.

Just a lot to consider and unwrap.
For you:


My post sets forth that the primary cause of low (and very low) oil prices in the 1980s was the following: "The reality is that energy prices declined in the 1980s due to massive cheating on production quotas by OPEC members." This professor ignores that completely, and claims that lowering demand drove the oil price crash of the 1980s. (did you live in Texas in the 1980s....?)

Your vitriolic personal attack post is about some other point--a point that I do not make.
No.... YOU didn't watch the entire video. You simply trashed the guy without even addressing his main messages.
WWI is an issue which I'm still considering. If the US hadn't entered WWI, the Central Powers would likely have won, and Germany would likely dominate the continent. On the west, the Alsace-Lorraine, Belgium, and Luxembourg would likely be German. To the east, Austria, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, and a hunk of western Russia would probably be German today. But there would have been some major upsides.

1. No Nazis or Hitler, which means no WWII (at least not in the European theater), and therefore . . .

2. Though Jews likely would have faced mistreatment, there probably would not have been a Holocaust.

3. You may still have had a Russian Revolution, but the Kaiserreich likely would have crushed the Bolsheviks in their infancy, and therefore . . .

4. No USSR, no Cold War, no PRC, no North Korea, no Ayatollah, and no Vietnam War.

5. Also, though it would have been humbled and had to share dominance with Germany, the British Empire likely wouldn't have fallen, since most of the nationalist movements in the Empire likely wouldn't have had significant external support from international communists.

6. The Ottoman Empire would control vast areas of the Middle East and North Africa. Though the Ottomans weren't choirboys, they were better than most of what's in charge now and has been in charge since decolonization.

7. Though the Kaiser would likely still be in place in Germany, by now, it would probably be more like the British monarch - a respected figurehead and source of national pride than a center of power. After all, the guy who'd be Kaiser now (Georg Friedrich Prinz) runs a brewery that makes an excellent Pilsner. He'd probably be cool.

On the other hand, some things could have gone badly. All of the above presumes that an undefeated Germany would have been largely benevolent, would have eventually given up its ambition of land, and would have eventually worked out its differences with the West (Britain, France, and the United States). Some possible downsides.

1. What would Germany have done with the ethnic majorities in its newly-conquered territories to the East? Hitler pushed Lebensraum and Drang nach Osten, but they weren't new to him. Imperial Germany believed in these too, including the Germanization of eastern nations. Maybe the Kaiserreich would have been nicer and less Jew-focused than the Nazis were, but those ideas were inseparable from ethnic cleansing. It would have gotten ugly.

2. More speculative than #1 but still a real possibility, what if the communists had eventually overthrown the Kaiser and taken power in Germany? Prior to the Machtergreifung, communism was a major political force in Germany both within its official party and within the SPD. In fact, at one time, the SPD was the largest Marxist party in Europe. Without the Nazis stomping it out (which is the main reason the political Left despises Hitler), a successful communist revolution wouldn't have been out of the question. That would have been even messier than the formation of the Soviet Union and would have negated a lot of the good things listed above.

3. What if a dominant Germany hadn't resolved its differences with Britain and undermined the Empire as the Soviet Union did? I suspect it would have resolved them in time, and we would have had a British Empire that ruled foreign territories through the Royal Navy and a German Empire that ruled most of continental Europe through the Imperial German Army, but it's not out of the question that it wouldn't have. And of course, that would have negated some of what happened above.

Just a lot to consider and unwrap.
And Japan would likely to have owned the western pacific.
What would Germany have done with the ethnic majorities in its newly-conquered territories to the East?
Make them into Germans. The hyper-racialist German views came later from the National Socialist Party. The ruling Prussians before them were rather cosmopolitan. As far as blood lines go, I think the Prussians were about as much Polish as they were German.

Prussia was the result of the German Teutonic Knights conquering Slavic (now most Polish) territory. After their military victories, the Teutonic Knights didn't do a genocide on them; rather, they turned them into Germans/Prussians over the years. The result--a highly militaristic Junker class largely descended from the Germans/Teuronic Knights, and a massive peasantry largely descended from the "native" Slavics along the Baltic Sea. Hitler never liked the Prussians--he was Southern German/Austrian, as was his early support.
No.... YOU didn't watch the entire video. You simply trashed the guy without even addressing his main messages.
My post simply addressed an incorrect factual statement he made. And it was indeed incorrect.

I didn't write an essay on his entire video.
WWI is an issue which I'm still considering. If the US hadn't entered WWI, the Central Powers would likely have won, and Germany would likely dominate the continent. On the west, the Alsace-Lorraine, Belgium, and Luxembourg would likely be German. To the east, Austria, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, and a hunk of western Russia would probably be German today. But there would have been some major upsides.

1. No Nazis or Hitler, which means no WWII (at least not in the European theater), and therefore . . .

2. Though Jews likely would have faced mistreatment, there probably would not have been a Holocaust.

3. You may still have had a Russian Revolution, but the Kaiserreich likely would have crushed the Bolsheviks in their infancy, and therefore . . .

4. No USSR, no Cold War, no PRC, no North Korea, no Ayatollah, and no Vietnam War.

5. Also, though it would have been humbled and had to share dominance with Germany, the British Empire likely wouldn't have fallen, since most of the nationalist movements in the Empire likely wouldn't have had significant external support from international communists.

6. The Ottoman Empire would control vast areas of the Middle East and North Africa. Though the Ottomans weren't choirboys, they were better than most of what's in charge now and has been in charge since decolonization.

7. Though the Kaiser would likely still be in place in Germany, by now, it would probably be more like the British monarch - a respected figurehead and source of national pride than a center of power. After all, the guy who'd be Kaiser now (Georg Friedrich Prinz) runs a brewery that makes an excellent Pilsner. He'd probably be cool.

On the other hand, some things could have gone badly. All of the above presumes that an undefeated Germany would have been largely benevolent, would have eventually given up its ambition of land, and would have eventually worked out its differences with the West (Britain, France, and the United States). Some possible downsides.

1. What would Germany have done with the ethnic majorities in its newly-conquered territories to the East? Hitler pushed Lebensraum and Drang nach Osten, but they weren't new to him. Imperial Germany believed in these too, including the Germanization of eastern nations. Maybe the Kaiserreich would have been nicer and less Jew-focused than the Nazis were, but those ideas were inseparable from ethnic cleansing. It would have gotten ugly.

2. More speculative than #1 but still a real possibility, what if the communists had eventually overthrown the Kaiser and taken power in Germany? Prior to the Machtergreifung, communism was a major political force in Germany both within its official party and within the SPD. In fact, at one time, the SPD was the largest Marxist party in Europe. Without the Nazis stomping it out (which is the main reason the political Left despises Hitler), a successful communist revolution wouldn't have been out of the question. That would have been even messier than the formation of the Soviet Union and would have negated a lot of the good things listed above.

3. What if a dominant Germany hadn't resolved its differences with Britain and undermined the Empire as the Soviet Union did? I suspect it would have resolved them in time, and we would have had a British Empire that ruled foreign territories through the Royal Navy and a German Empire that ruled most of continental Europe through the Imperial German Army, but it's not out of the question that it wouldn't have. And of course, that would have negated some of what happened above.

Just a lot to consider and unwrap.
WWI was sort of the death of classical Conservatism. Monarchies gone. Hapsburgs--on the outs. Autocratic dictators--on the outs (but they'd be back in mostly non-Conservative form). Militaristic and church states--on the outs (with England still technically being a state/church but with a less religious population). Rule of the big landowners--on the outs (but surviving in South America to this day).
Yeah. I'm pretty sick of the entire political and financial elite in this country.

I'm just retired and bored, though, so don't "ban" me. My opinions are no longer uncommon. I should stay away from everything except sports boards.
That 'wealthy' area has MANY who have lived there for decades and just lost everything. They generally lack the means to rebuild as before.

And of those that do, they are about to be taxed into oblivion since Prop13 doesn't preclude new tax rate being based on the NEW construction!

Save the sanctimonious ********.
That 'wealthy' area has MANY who have lived there for decades and just lost everything. They generally lack the means to rebuild as before.

And of those that do, they are about to be taxed into oblivion since Prop13 doesn't preclude new tax rate being based on the NEW construction!

Save the sanctimonious ********.
These folks will be taking the insurance money and likely moving out of state if they can. They will struggle to stay there for years to rebuild.
My post simply addressed an incorrect factual statement he made. And it was indeed incorrect.

I didn't write an essay on his entire video.
What the **** are you going on about? What you addressed is a very minor point and inconsequential to his main message and his decades long research. I knew better than to venture into modern politics here but I just couldn't help myself. Stupid me. Won't happen again. Enjoy your imperial decline.
Take a chill pill Jim. People do argue about politics on political message board/forums.

And I'm no emperor, so I have no imperial decline to enjoy.

How many f**ks does Fetterman give about decorum?

Absolutely ZERO, and I like him for it.

One day, I'll go through the pain in the *** that it is to go inside the US Capitol (since Deez, Jr. has never been inside), and the first person there that'll I'll try to meet won't be John Carter, Cornyn, or Cruz. It'll be Fetterman.

It'll be hard, because I'm not from PA, so they won't give me an appointment. However, I'll at least make an effort. It can happen if you hang around the right areas. Last time I visited in '96, I randomly got to meet "B-1 Bob" Dornan, so maybe I'd get lucky again.
They really hate blacks and Hispanis when they don't "behave."

I don’t see why these characters think it’s strange for a Black man to be a Republican. That’s what Martin Luther King Jr was and the Inauguration Day was on his day. So remind them next year—we come together as a Nation to celebrate a Black Republican.

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