Post Left Wing looniness here

I think it does the latter. However, it also shines a spotlight on how the anti-science wing of the looney left takes a hardline approach to anybody who doesn't kiss their asses.

Yeah. It would be better for those leaving the Democratic Party to wander in the wilderness for a while to see if they reform their views on everything. Republicans need to support people further and further to the right at this point.
I'm ambivalent. Is this good, or does it move the Republican Party further left?
I think it does the latter. However, it also shines a spotlight on how the anti-science wing of the looney left takes a hardline approach to anybody who doesn't kiss their asses.

I don't think it makes much difference. Usually when someone actually switches parties they stop pushing policy areas in which they disagree with the new party and focus on where they agree. Consider Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. Are they pulling the Democratic Party to the right? If they are, I'm not seeing it.

If Shawn Thierry starts using her position in the GOP to push higher taxes or any other garbage, I'll certainly call her on it. However, if she's uses her platform to push back against gender ideology and porn in schools, I'm all for it.
So that is the rate of sex offenses in British prisons. Seems kinda karma_ish to me that the fake women would be treated so harshly by female Brit prisoners.
Was surprised at the high numbers of total prisoners.

Wait. Totally confused. thought it meant raped in prison. And I thought fake women getting abused in prison made sense

See now it meant people convicted of sex offenses.
Never mind.
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Has it been confirmed anywhere that he was trans? Media outlets are calling the shooter "he." They wouldn't be doing that if they thought he was trans. Being accused of "misgendering" is almost as bad as being called a racist.

Not sure if trans but an extremely messed up family. This is a common thread with mass shooters, poor public schools, and trans kids.

Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray’s broken homelife: A mom with multiple drug arrests and a dad who gave him an AR-15 for Christmas
The shooter's dad arrested and charged with murder.
WTH was the dad thinking to get his son an AR 15 after he knew his son had posted messages threatening to shoot up a school?
The shooter's dad arrested and charged with murder.
WTH was the dad thinking to get his son an AR 15 after he knew his son had posted messages threatening to shoot up a school?

And the dumbass dad said last year the kid didn't have access to any guns unsupervised!
Isn't he the second parent of a school shooter to be charged?
About time. Many want to blame authorities but based on what they had they couldn't do much. The school was warned, even if they did "keep an eye on him" what else could they do?
The parent is responsible here just like that mother who bought her troubled son a gun, that he killed her with and then shot up a school. Was that in Conn?

"ABC and Disney have a gigantic problem.

The Country Music Awards announced their nominees this morning and not among them is Beyonce who had one of the biggest hits in country music this year.

Let’s call it: this is pure racism."

Maybe it just sucks?


This is what's goofy about people on the Right constantly being labelled "liars." If Trump says something remotely questionable, he's a liar. But here we have an issue that is completely fake and based entirely on lies, and its advocates are pretty much never called on the carpet. Everybody just talks about it as though it was real.

Excellent. And I read in an article that 2 of the jurors were black men. Good for them for helping to do justice. Again, keep the lawsuits coming. Businesses and students who are victimized by the craziness need to be litigating these cases with absolutely no mercy at all. It needs to be an onslaught.

Basically any study that supports a left-wing narrative should be ignored. They're almost always wrong or at least severely flawed.

This study was absolutely evil. Trying to convince people that white doctors don't take equal care of black babies? Unbelievable.
This study was absolutely evil. Trying to convince people that white doctors don't take equal care of black babies? Unbelievable.
Actually it was used to say that it’s okay to accept unqualified folks into medical school.

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