Post Left Wing looniness here

Do you think that will hold up in the courts? I don't see it.

If the bill said that it prohibited informing parents who had a proven history of physical abuse, then maybe. But as it's written now and with the current Court? I can't imagine it holding up.

But Newsom and the CA Legislature get to virtue signal, and that was the point.

GET READY.... Michelle hates America and politics. Not serious.

HILLARY will come off the bench, not tanned, not rested or healthy, not un-corrupt enough, not LIKEABLE with the average voter.

Hillary as POTUS candidate and Kamala as VP.

Like Elton John song: The ***** is Back!!!
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:lmao: Demx have no good choices right now and likely no time to find one. Don't you know some /many wish they could run an election like Putin does?
I agree iis
We have seen so many instances of anger and destructive behavior from what seem to be ordinary people, most middle age or older. Maybe this hate is trickling down to younger who typically didn't pay attention to politics.
Much of the blame for all the hate and anger is with media.

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