Post Left Wing looniness here

I'm not surprised that the USA women's team lost - they have not played very well except for a few times. I'm disappointed that they were such poor representatives of our country. Failure to respect our National Anthem in international competition is embarrassing.
I don't follow women's sports (for the most part) or soccer (for the full part). So is Rapinoe done playing for the USWNT? Who else was bitchy during the national anthem this time?
Canada is so gay

They're pathetic. I understand why they elected him initially. Countries make stupid mistakes. But when they reelected him after what he did on COVID, I basically lost all respect for Canada. They are not a freedom-respecting people at all. They're fuckin useless.
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They're pathetic. I understand why they elected him initially. Countries make stupid mistakes. But when they reelected him after what he did on COVID, I basically lost all respect for Canada. They are not a respecting people at all. They're fuckin useless.
Don't lump them into one cohesive grouping, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta are fine. Alberta even goes as far as not singing the French parts of the Canadian National Anthem.
Those all moved to Texas and Florida.

My aunts and uncles still live in CA (Palos Verdes, Thousand Oaks, Santa Barbara, and Murrieta), and they're all conservative. They know their state is becoming a hell hole, but I think they stay because their particular areas are still ok. And most of them are old. It's hard to get people in their 70s to move.

By contrast, my immediate family and one of my uncles lived in Oakland. That has been a hell hole since the '70s. My uncle and his family left in '82 and moved to Florida. We left in '84 and moved to Plano. At the time, that was as close to being the opposite of Oakland as a city can be.
My aunts and uncles still live in CA (Palos Verdes, Thousand Oaks, Santa Barbara, and Murrieta), and they're all conservative. They know their state is becoming a hell hole, but I think they stay because their particular areas are still ok. And most of them are old. It's hard to get people in their 70s to move.

By contrast, my immediate family and one of my uncles lived in Oakland. That has been a hell hole since the '70s. My uncle and his family left in '82 and moved to Florida. We left in '84 and moved to Plano. At the time, that was as close to being the opposite of Oakland as a city can be.
I went to grad school out there, lived and worked out there. It's no different than going to school at Texas. We all know The Daily Liberal was the main news source and the libtards got all the attention. There are still plenty of good conservatives in CA but they are just pretty much invisible just like they were when I was a student at Texas.
I went to grad school out there, lived and worked out there. It's no different than going to school at Texas. We all know The Daily Liberal was the main news source and the libtards got all the attention. There are still plenty of good conservatives in CA but they are just pretty much invisible just like they were when I was a student at Texas.

There are plenty of good ones, but a few things happened. First, you had a big increase in Hispanic voters, which the CA GOP did everything it could to repel. Second, the defense industry scaled way back after the Cold War, so tons of conservative professionals had to find work elsewhere in places like Phoenix and the DFW area. Third, as we've seen across the nation, the GOP started to weaken in the suburbs. Younger educated professionals were liberal rather than conservative. We went from losing the Bay Area but splitting the LA area and winning the San Diego area to getting completely destroyed in the Bay Area, losing the LA area decisively, and losing the San Diego area comfortably.

But some of the old remnants of conservative California do still exist. They're just wildly outnumbered. However, things are starting to turn in their direction. It's very slow going, but it is happening.
"Sherenté, a Two Spirit Genderqueer teenager from Rhode Island's Narragansett tribe performs traditional dance in competitions at annual pow wows in New England. There is no formal rule which prohibits Two Spirit Genderqueer people from performing in a category different from their birth gender...

Behind the scenes tribal leaders manipulate Sherente's scores or disqualify them outright because of their belief in traditional binary gender roles. Blindsided by ongoing dishonesty and deception, Sherente continues to perform in spite of insensitive behavior by tribal leaders and others in their community."

And the city of Austin library paid for this?!!?

Being Thunder — Austin Public Library
"Sherenté, a Two Spirit Genderqueer teenager from Rhode Island's Narragansett tribe performs traditional dance in competitions at annual pow wows in New England. There is no formal rule which prohibits Two Spirit Genderqueer people from performing in a category different from their birth gender...

Behind the scenes tribal leaders manipulate Sherente's scores or disqualify them outright because of their belief in traditional binary gender roles. Blindsided by ongoing dishonesty and deception, Sherente continues to perform in spite of insensitive behavior by tribal leaders and others in their community."

And the city of Austin library paid for this?!!?

Being Thunder — Austin Public Library
Uhh - just go with it?
"Sherenté, a Two Spirit Genderqueer teenager from Rhode Island's Narragansett tribe performs traditional dance in competitions at annual pow wows in New England. There is no formal rule which prohibits Two Spirit Genderqueer people from performing in a category different from their birth gender...

Behind the scenes tribal leaders manipulate Sherente's scores or disqualify them outright because of their belief in traditional binary gender roles. Blindsided by ongoing dishonesty and deception, Sherente continues to perform in spite of insensitive behavior by tribal leaders and others in their community."

And the city of Austin library paid for this?!!?

Being Thunder — Austin Public Library

Dumb question, and I might regret asking but . . . What the hell is "two spirit?"

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