Post Left Wing looniness here

Nash, you are correct. However, as far as I know, they are still working on the project.

There are two issues with the fuel cells. The big issue is the "science" is split on the most effective way to get the hydrogen. The choices appear to be either a reverse osmosis-type reactor that would split out the hydrogen from water or a tank of hydrogen (either a fixed tank that would have to be filled like CNG or propane or a replaceable tank that would be swapped out at a hydrogen "station".)

Then there is the logistical issue (same for either way above). Today there is not infrastructure to provide the hydrogen or reactor fuel (hopefully today's combustion engine battery alternator arrangement can be modified to do that).
6721, reactor is what the see referred as. Basically something to break the water down. They need to get them down to the size of a 4 cylinder engine or smaller.
Meanwhile, the company I referred to earlier, ENVX, has solved the fundamental issues in taking lithium ion battery tech to the next level. They have proven and patented methods of SAFELY using silicon anodes rather than graphite. Their remaining hurdles are pretty much all associated with scaling the tech to mass production levels at reasonable costs.

I would never presume to tell people how to handle their money, but I have a healthy chunk of my retirement accounts invested in this company.
They should, but it's very high risk, low reward litigation. I'd love to handle a case like this, but it would be hard to financially justify it.

I'm not able to line up the age with the year 2021. Is it legal to chop off your boobs because you want to before 18 but not get a tattoo (because tats are too permanent)?
I'm not able to line up the age with the year 2021. Is it legal to chop off your boobs because you want to before 18 but not get a tattoo (because tats are too permanent)?

The big difference is that chopping your boobs off is spun as medical care. Accordingly, if the parents sign off on it, the doctors can do it.
Get ready for a bunch of dudes to suddenly discover that they're actually lesbians.

They'll quietly ban dudes sometime later. Just like Starbucks publicity stated anyone can use their pottys in 2018 then changed it in 2022. It would've surely been sooner if 2020 was so volatile.
:facepalm: . This is some first class deflection

"After several news organizations authenticated the laptop's contents, CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins asked the ex-Obama official Monday night whether he wished he never signed the letter "given what we know now.
"No, not at all," Panetta told Collins. "I signed that letter for one reason, which was to make the American people aware that the Russians deliberately were engaged in a disinformation campaign in the United States and trying to impact on our election and trying to impact on our ability to have free and fair elections. That's why I signed that letter."

The ex-CIA director continued, "And very frankly, I have seen no evidence to the contrary that Russia has not engaged in that kind of disinformation campaign. "
Leon Panetta says he doesn't regret signing infamous letter implying Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinfo
:facepalm: . This is some first class deflection

"After several news organizations authenticated the laptop's contents, CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins asked the ex-Obama official Monday night whether he wished he never signed the letter "given what we know now.
"No, not at all," Panetta told Collins. "I signed that letter for one reason, which was to make the American people aware that the Russians deliberately were engaged in a disinformation campaign in the United States and trying to impact on our election and trying to impact on our ability to have free and fair elections. That's why I signed that letter."

The ex-CIA director continued, "And very frankly, I have seen no evidence to the contrary that Russia has not engaged in that kind of disinformation campaign. "
Leon Panetta says he doesn't regret signing infamous letter implying Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinfo

That is friggin' weak. Of course, they've engaged in disinformation campaigns. (And like I've wondered before, how come nobody thinks China engages in disinformation campaigns? They very obviously do.) What the hell does that have to do with Hunter Biden's laptop? None, and that was the real issue. He should have gotten totally ripped for that, but I'm sure he wasn't.
It's almost as much a bs deflection and Biden et al now saying Biden was never IN business with Hunter.

From the brilliant Press Secretary
"So, I've been asked this question a million times. The answer is not going to change. The answer remains the same. The president was never in business with his son. I just don't have anything else to add," the press secretary answered. "

Maybe Vermont can rename it to BLM Memorial Chapel.

Also, any time a name is removed the organization should have to refund all relevant donations plus interest to the decedents of the donor. No exceptions like 'well, 2 of the 17 grandkids are okay with the university keeping the money and removing the name.'
If you wonder where all the looniness springs from (this is one example):

Holy cow, just tired to read that. Couldn't make it very far.

"The first day was sunny and full of hope. The students were curious, playful, and excited, having made it through the gauntlet of a 3% acceptance rate into the Telluride Association Summer Seminar to receive an all-expenses-paid scholarship to spend six weeks taking a college-level seminar at Cornell.

By the fourth week, the students had stopped smiling. They learned to stay silent in discussions and cede their speaking time to the least privileged classmates. They voted two other classmates out of the program. And they put the professor himself on trial for a long list of offenses, from using harmful body language to misgendering Britney Griner."

Why the hell would you set up a program that let's students vote out fellow students or run a trial on the professor? LOL WTF!

I'm sorry this guy committed suicide. Here may be the only good part of the story:

“There’s a real possibility here that, moving forward, the DEI training session becomes much more litigious, with attendees who feel put upon or hurt or maligned, dangerously maligned—meaning they’re ostracized or rendered unemployable—striking back in court,” Goldkind said. “That’s the lesson of this tragedy, that people are sick and tired of being isolated and cast out from polite society because they have the gall to ask a question or challenge the orthodoxy.”

It wasn't just the weak PK. She was behind the game from the second she stepped on the pitch. Then on her best, and only real shot, she was so pissed when she missed she forgot to look for the rebound which came back to her. Take your choice, HIC, Sabre, WM, or even I could have made the goal off that rebound.

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