Post Left Wing looniness here

I am on a very nice cruise through Europe. On two different occasions at dinner, we got to hear two liberal couples go on unsolicited rants about Trump. We did not even mention anything political and I ignored them. Funny though, both were from the Northeast (NY/Philly), but both had relocated to Florida due to crime and taxes. The irony.
I am on a very nice cruise through Europe. On two different occasions at dinner, we got to hear two liberal couples go on unsolicited rants about Trump. We did not even mention anything political and I ignored them. Funny though, both were from the Northeast (NY/Philly), but both had relocated to Florida due to crime and taxes. The irony.

Neither couple was probably bothered by Biden's money laundering or the fact that Biden has turned out to be the fascist Trump was supposed to be.
I am on a very nice cruise through Europe. On two different occasions at dinner, we got to hear two liberal couples go on unsolicited rants about Trump. We did not even mention anything political and I ignored them. Funny though, both were from the Northeast (NY/Philly), but both had relocated to Florida due to crime and taxes. The irony.

Since you are still on the cruise, I suggest you ask why Dem run cities like NY and Philly are crime ridden.
I guess this goes here since the *** and CNBC are liberal rags. Let's just take the most conservative states and put them at the bottom. Maine and Vermont wouldn't be on my lists because the winters suck, and NJ is a hell hole.
Texas tops CNBC's list of worst states to live and work in America (

I 100% agree Texas is the worst place to live. As a matter of fact, I support all the refugees from Katrina move back to New Orleans, the refugees from California to move back to Cali and all the others who just thought it would be awesome but hate it to go somewhere else. All in all it needs to be about 10 million people. How can I help?
I guess this goes here since the *** and CNBC are liberal rags. Let's just take the most conservative states and put them at the bottom. Maine and Vermont wouldn't be on my lists because the winters suck, and NJ is a hell hole.
Texas tops CNBC's list of worst states to live and work in America (

I 100% agree Texas is the worst place to live. As a matter of fact, I support all the refugees from Katrina move back to New Orleans, the refugees from California to move back to Cali and all the others who just thought it would be awesome but hate it to go somewhere else. All in all it needs to be about 10 million people. How can I help?

Agree. I approve of this list. DO NOT MOVE TO TEXAS!
Here are the components (see below). The low scores are due to the following factors:
- being a border state
- being a large refining and petrochemical mnfg area (which affects only a small sliver of land by the way)
- being sane on voting rights and gender craziness.

  • crime rates
  • environmental quality
  • health care
  • quality and availability of childcare
  • inclusiveness in state laws such as reproductive rights, protections against discrimination and voting rights
Here are the components (see below). The low scores are due to the following factors:
- being a border state
- being a large refining and petrochemical mnfg area (which affects only a small sliver of land by the way)
- being sane on voting rights and gender craziness.

I thought MSM loved immigration??
Here are the components (see below). The low scores are due to the following factors:
- being a border state
- being a large refining and petrochemical mnfg area (which affects only a small sliver of land by the way)
- being sane on voting rights and gender craziness.

  • crime rates
  • environmental quality
  • health care
  • quality and availability of childcare
  • inclusiveness in state laws such as reproductive rights, protections against discrimination and voting rights

That's what's stupid about these lists. Basically, they incorporate leftist policy preferences to make liberal states look artificially good and conservative states look artificially bad.
That's what's stupid about these lists. Basically, they incorporate leftist policy preferences to make liberal states look artificially good and conservative states look artificially bad.
Yep, but as noted above, where are the workers moving to? That’s the only data set that you need.
The right wing looniness thread has 1042 posts.
The left wing looniness thread has 4606 posts.

So, while there is looniness on both sides of the aisle, the numbers show that there's currently more than 4 times as much left wing looniness, as right wing looniness, out there.

The right wing looniness thread has 1042 posts.
The left wing looniness thread has 4606 posts.

So, while there is looniness on both sides of the aisle, the numbers show that there's currently more than 4 times as much left wing looniness, as right wing looniness, out there.


The "Post Moderate Wing Looniness" only has 284 so we're the least loony of all.......

This happened only because the benefactors thought the behavior was abhorrent and threatened to stop donating. This is the same thing that happened at Texas. I will put it succinctly: if you cheapen my degree, which I worked very hard to earn, and actively make me look a like a fool, I will do everything in my power to destroy you and the faculty who is at the root of this. Fûck you and and the horse you rode on.

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