Post Left Wing looniness here

I can't post enough of these :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
A high-ranking Space Force officer has spoken out slamming a slew of recent anti-LGBTQ state laws, saying they have a negative impact on military families and force readiness.

Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt made the remarks in a fiery speech at the 12th Annual DoD LGBTQ+ Pride Event in Washington DC, saying that the laws sometimes forced her to choose 'less qualified' candidates for postings in those states.

'Since January of this year, more than 400 anti-LGBTQ+ laws have been introduced at the state level,' said Burt, the Space Force's deputy chief of space operations.
Space Force general slams state-level anti-LGBTQ bills in blistering speech | Daily Mail Online

Edit to ask.
She said,"The general explained: 'When I look at potential candidates, say, for squadron command, I strive to match the right person to the right job."
She is supposedly the Deputy Chief of operations for the entire Space Force. And she is making personnel decisions at the Squadron level?
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I think even my father, a dyed in the wool Army man and life long democrat would be disgusted with this mess were he still around to witness it.
A high-ranking Space Force officer has spoken out slamming a slew of recent anti-LGBTQ state laws, saying they have a negative impact on military families and force readiness.
I am still trying to figure out how state laws impact military preparedness. In the old days we had a simple mission statement - the military had a two-fold mission: (1) organize, equip, and train to present such a credible military threat that no potential adversary would dare attack due to fear of the retaliation, (2) in the event an adversary attacks, make him pay the consequences. Nowhere in that mission statement did we see any mention of social engineering.
Guess I really am a dinosaur.
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You and those who think like you do should be at the head of our military.
What is happening now scares anyone who cares about our country 's security and future.
I can't post enough of these :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
A high-ranking Space Force officer has spoken out slamming a slew of recent anti-LGBTQ state laws, saying they have a negative impact on military families and force readiness.

Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt made the remarks in a fiery speech at the 12th Annual DoD LGBTQ+ Pride Event in Washington DC, saying that the laws sometimes forced her to choose 'less qualified' candidates for postings in those states.

'Since January of this year, more than 400 anti-LGBTQ+ laws have been introduced at the state level,' said Burt, the Space Force's deputy chief of space operations.
Space Force general slams state-level anti-LGBTQ bills in blistering speech | Daily Mail Online

Edit to ask.
She said,"The general explained: 'When I look at potential candidates, say, for squadron command, I strive to match the right person to the right job."
She is supposedly the Deputy Chief of operations for the entire Space Force. And she is making personnel decisions at the Squadron level?
That is the way the military works. Squadron Command is a big step towards Wing/Delta (what wings are called in the Space Force). Command and continued march to the General Officer level.
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No; she will get promoted.

Sad, but almost assuredly true. Even if she does not believe what she is spewing, she knows the game. Play Along to Get Along.

I wish that someone would ask her how many "trans-gender" impacted - i.e., an individual or someone with a trans family member - she had to pass over for a Squadron Commander position because of State laws.
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This is the epitome of left wing looniness
Golden/TIPP Shocker: 21% Yearn To Quit Biden's America For Good
"Over one in five Americans express a strong desire to permanently move to another country if given the opportunity, according to a recent Golden/TIPP Poll of 1,480 Americans nationwide.

Financial considerations significantly drive this desire.

Young adults exhibit the strongest yearning. Interestingly, Democrats and liberals are more inclined to leave, while Republicans and conservatives hold a contrasting sentiment."
Mom speaks French and taught it many years ago...we both like Monte Carlo but apparently if you live there, you can't casino there...rules it out for me.

She has also done a number of cruises to various places around both South America as well as the EU, so options come up.

There are places in Canada I like but not as long as Prime Minister Blackface is in office.
This is the kind of over-the-top inflammatory (and false) language that makes people roll their eyes at the Left. Saying a guy isn't a woman (when he isn't) isn't saying he has no right to exist.

Why have women sports?
I wonder how most women feel when they see someone like Ms? Robinson or the Judge Brown refuse to answer basic questions.

Someone pointed out if there is no difference why transition

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