Post Left Wing looniness here

A Labour MP is getting clobbered over here. She's not a conservative or a moderate. She just thinks that a dude who calls himself a woman shouldn't be put in positions to exploit vulnerable women, and that's unforgivable.

WTH is happening in Scotland?
The whole of the UK and EU went all in on this nonsense a decade before the States made it 'mainstream' which is why some of us were raising red flags.

Instead of being listened to, we were labeled as TERF or worse by many corners of social media.
Maybe not in a timely a manner but I see more pushback to common sense normalcy than I did a year or so ago.
OTOH I also see even more bizarre behavior and utterances.

You may be right. Just stop thinking.
The whole of the UK and EU went all in on this nonsense a decade before the States made it 'mainstream' which is why some of us were raising red flags.

Instead of being listened to, we were labeled as TERF or worse by many corners of social media.

You're right about the UK and especially the EU (though both are starting to trend against gender ideology because they're seeing some of the damage caused by it). However, Scotland is on another level. They are more extreme and more obnoxious than just about anybody in Europe. They are God-awful.
Strange. I have some friends from church who moved there 5-6 years ago. They love it. Never bring up these kinds of problems. Hm.

I'm not sure how they'd miss it. It's a major story over here, and I'm not even in Scotland.

It's an interesting situation there. For a long time, Scotland leaned Tory and unionist, especially the Protestants. (Catholics tended to favor Labour.) Then when deindustrialization took place in the '80s and led to economic crises in Scotland, everybody blamed Thatcher and the Tories, and the area became more dependent on government spending for the economy and for public welfare. Like much of Europe (in fact, probably even more so) the Protestants were also becoming much more secular (basically not caring about being real Christians anymore). Both factors led to Labour becoming dominant there.

However, in the late '90s, Labour embraced neoliberal economics much like the Democratic Party in the United States did, which of course, screwed traditional industrial and union workers. This coupled with a perception that Westminster sorta pisses on Scotland (which has some truth to it) sent Scottish voters looking for a new home that was further Left (more interested in big government) and more confrontational with the national government. They chose the Scottish National Party (SNP).

Since it's a regional, nationalist party, the SNP feels no need to moderate or compromise in order to win beyond Scotland. Accordingly, it's further left than Labour is on economic policy and more populist (in some ways) - free tuition, no parking charges at NHS facilities (which I honestly think is kinda dumb anyway), and other things. (Though strangely, it's very pro-EU, which I think is more about being in a pissing match with England than anything else.) However, their electoral coalition also relies heavily on the cities (Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, etc.), so every nutcase social justice ******** cause is quickly embraced by the SNP. I hear there is some dissent within the SNP on some of the nuttiest issues, but the crackpots (including the leader Nicola Sturgeon) dominate. They also embraced the harshest Covid restrictions in the UK and charge people criminally for online "hate speech."

In short, they're God-haters, freedom-haters, and weirdos up there even by European standards. It's truly a hopeless situation.
Virginia is pretty messed up in several areas but this is insane.
"Officials at the elementary school in Newport News, Virginia, where a first-grade teacher was shot by her six-year-old student apparently downplayed previous complaints issued by the teacher about boy, the Washington Post said Saturday.

Abigail Zwerner, 25, reportedly raised concerns and requested help from school officials relating to the boy’s behavior, which apparently included a threat to light a teacher on fire and watch her die.

The issue was dismissed, according to messages from fellow teachers obtained by The Post. "
Parent were already reportedly outraged when Newport News Superintendent George Parker III said the school had received a tip that the boy had a gun that day, but then failed to uncover the weapon after searching his school bag. "
Virginia school downplayed warnings from teacher before she was shot by 6-year-old boy
Caution - there's nudity in this video. It's not in a sexual context, but there is nudity. I'm not totally sure what they're protesting, but I think it has to do with abortion. (They're clearly in France.)

Either way, my question is why do feminists think showing their boobs is a form of protest? I've literally never known a man who saw a boob in public (especially on young and fairly decent looking girls) as anything but positive. The blood on the crotch area (which isn't nude) is gross, but a guy ignores that and looks at the boob.


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