Post Left Wing looniness here

I honestly don't see how Swalwell has the audacity to put himself out there so much. He banged a Chinese spy, and he's going to get hounded by that every day. It'll be the retort to every self-serving or political point he ever makes.

I don't expect him to to resign from Congress. He's from a very blue district that would be far more horrified if it learned that he went to a Bible-believing church than that he banged a spy and routinely whores for her regime. So he's in no danger of losing his seat. However, if it were me, I'd keep a really low profile. I'd show up, vote my district, and go home, and I'd keep my mouth shut.

People act surprised at this, but you know this **** happens every day. Porn is a huge business and almost entirely bankrolled by dudes. Guys will blow hundreds of dollars in one night at a strip club. Guys will waste 2 hours on a boring movie if they think one of the actresses will show a boob for a few seconds. From the time we're about 12 years old and until we find a wife, we start working intensely, blowing enormous mental energy, and risking personal humiliation to develop a very elaborate rap to convince girls to like us and ultimately take their clothes off for us.

In light of that, does anyone really think that these same guys are going to draw the line at putting on a dress and claiming to "be a woman" (which is much easier and cheaper than other efforts we routinely go to to) so they can look at chicks naked especially if they can deploy political intimidation to shame any woman who complains or is even uncomfortable about it? Some will draw the line. I definitely would draw that line because I know how creepy and wrong that is, but huge numbers of guys won't.
Went to new Tom Hanks movie last night. My girlfriend read the book and it looked good on previews. Hanks is obviously liberal, but not as flaming as a lot of Hollywood in my opinion.

Guess what? You get indoctrination about trans kids. I’ll go back to my boycott of movies.
Went to new Tom Hanks movie last night. My girlfriend read the book and it looked good on previews. Hanks is obviously liberal, but not as flaming as a lot of Hollywood in my opinion.

Guess what? You get indoctrination about trans kids. I’ll go back to my boycott of movies.
He is in a movie that does that, as you say, he is as flaming as the rest. Has been a POS for years.
Went to new Tom Hanks movie last night. My girlfriend read the book and it looked good on previews. Hanks is obviously liberal, but not as flaming as a lot of Hollywood in my opinion.

Guess what? You get indoctrination about trans kids. I’ll go back to my boycott of movies.
It’s required now to get funding.
Went to new Tom Hanks movie last night. My girlfriend read the book and it looked good on previews. Hanks is obviously liberal, but not as flaming as a lot of Hollywood in my opinion.

Guess what? You get indoctrination about trans kids. I’ll go back to my boycott of movies.
That tells me there is another matinee I can skip...thanks for the heads up. Like you, it showed promise in the commercials and had my interest given that I have some free days...
A highlight from the debate to override Scotland's crackpot trans legislation. An obnoxious woke MP screams at a woman for acting and being normal.

He is in a movie that does that, as you say, he is as flaming as the rest. Has been a POS for years.
Oh and just to be clear, there are no trans in the book. He is basically a bitter mean man due to life circumstances, but decides to let the trans kid move in with him. Lesson learned.
Wow, Al Gore is still as "ackward, synthetic and weird" as he was years ago...a pompous, tree hugging, climate delusional, grumpy old man now.
While I'm being fair and balanced:

Have I stated today (or lately) that Brian Stelter, formerly of fake CNN, is a disgusting, shallow, arrogant, lying and loathsome Lib sack of ****?

If not, I just did.
Alec Baldwin is a douce canoe POS. Not just for the shooting. For which he has been charged. :clap:

Baldwon sent $5,000 to the widow of a Marine kiiled in Afghanistan during our mucked up withdrawal .
Nice gesture. Then he found out the Marine's sister was in DC on Jan6 2021.
He sent her a message ,"
When I sent the $ for your late brother, out of real respect for his service to this country, I didn’t know you were a January 6th rioter," Baldwin wrote.
She never got in the Capitol and was not charged.
He kept on, "
Your activities resulted in the unlawful destruction of government property, the death of a law enforcement officer, an assault on the certification of the presidential election," Baldwin replied. "I reposted your photo. Good luck."

Baldwin went on to repost the photo and call Roice an "insurrectionist" to his 2.4 million Instagram followers in a since-deleted post. Roice, her sister Cheyenne and Jiennah are suing Baldwin over his direct message and the decision to share his belief that Roice took part in the rioting.

So they are suing him for 25 mil.
Alec Baldwin sued for $25 million by family of fallen US Marine
Alec Baldwin is a douce canoe POS. Not just for the shooting. For which he has been charged. :clap:

Baldwon sent $5,000 to the widow of a Marine kiiled in Afghanistan during our mucked up withdrawal .
Nice gesture. Then he found out the Marine's sister was in DC on Jan6 2021.
He sent her a message ,"
When I sent the $ for your late brother, out of real respect for his service to this country, I didn’t know you were a January 6th rioter," Baldwin wrote.
She never got in the Capitol and was not charged.
He kept on, "
Your activities resulted in the unlawful destruction of government property, the death of a law enforcement officer, an assault on the certification of the presidential election," Baldwin replied. "I reposted your photo. Good luck."

Baldwin went on to repost the photo and call Roice an "insurrectionist" to his 2.4 million Instagram followers in a since-deleted post. Roice, her sister Cheyenne and Jiennah are suing Baldwin over his direct message and the decision to share his belief that Roice took part in the rioting.

So they are suing him for 25 mil.
Alec Baldwin sued for $25 million by family of fallen US Marine

Wow. He is a dumbass. If she had stormed the Capitol, then maybe he could make that claim. However, if she was just in DC at the time and he said this publicly, she might give him a major kick in the *** in this. Pretty rough stuff.
Who? Who doesn't want to wear The Rrrrribon?

In the mid to late '90s, Seinfeld was almost my religion, so as soon as this story hit, I immediately thought of this scene. Honestly, it's astounding to me. Obviously, I remember this episode, which clearly ridiculed excessive virtue signaling, and never in a million years did I think it would become reality. Furthermore, I never thought that Cedric and Bob (who were incredibly funny guys in this episode and others) would be considered the good guys. But here we are. What was a joke 25 years ago is now serious and dangerous.

This player isn't attacking anybody or hurting anybody or frankly doing anything, and his statement was an endorsement of pluralism. It was nothing but respect, but that wasn't good enough. He has to celebrate the agenda and "wear the ribbon," or he's a monster, according to these self-righteous, sanctimonious sacks of ****. It's frightening. We can't have a country or a culture and operate this way.
Alec Baldwin is a douce canoe POS. Not just for the shooting. For which he has been charged. :clap:

Baldwon sent $5,000 to the widow of a Marine kiiled in Afghanistan during our mucked up withdrawal .
Nice gesture. Then he found out the Marine's sister was in DC on Jan6 2021.
He sent her a message ,"
When I sent the $ for your late brother, out of real respect for his service to this country, I didn’t know you were a January 6th rioter," Baldwin wrote.
She never got in the Capitol and was not charged.
He kept on, "
Your activities resulted in the unlawful destruction of government property, the death of a law enforcement officer, an assault on the certification of the presidential election," Baldwin replied. "I reposted your photo. Good luck."

Baldwin went on to repost the photo and call Roice an "insurrectionist" to his 2.4 million Instagram followers in a since-deleted post. Roice, her sister Cheyenne and Jiennah are suing Baldwin over his direct message and the decision to share his belief that Roice took part in the rioting.

So they are suing him for 25 mil.
Alec Baldwin sued for $25 million by family of fallen US Marine

Baldwin = mentally ill

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