Post Left Wing looniness here

Picking on poor Garmel?

Praising slut Madonna!?

Wow, this thread has truly gone off the rails!!

....cant we all just get along and continue bashing the LEFT!? ;)
And Madonna looks terrible. Women in their 50s and 60s can still be beautiful if they don't totally throw in the towel. If they want to have something minor done to tighten a wrinkle here and there, ok. However, these celebrities who have their entire faces reconstructed to try to look like they're still 25 almost always look bad. They stop looking human and take on that mannequin look. Madonna is one of them. So are Cher and Dolly Parton. It's sad.
I'm not even a Harry Potter fan, and I know she's generally left-leaning, but I friggin' love JK Rowling. She doesn't give two squirts of piss and gives the gender ideology no respect at all, which is what it deserves. It is garbage and should be in ridiculed as such.

Sanity is starting to prevail in the UK. If you're a "woman" who wants to go to a women's prison, you can't bring your penis with you.

Like the city of Austin, which rushed aboard the "Defund the Police" campaign, I think white people are looking for any relevancy they can muster by "discovering" evidence of systemic advantages given to white people. Somehow, these discovery's are to be seen as evidence of being progressive and woke; in other words, an enlightened human being. It's unbelievable. Check this:

Vanderbilt professor says math education is too 'white, cisheteropatriarchal'
Only in Scotland, and I verified this information. It is true. If it's screwed-up and perverse, they like it.

And apparently, rape victims are supposed to have their "bigoted" views challenged on this issue. Because what a rape victim most needs is to be shamed about not wanting to be in vulnerable positions with dudes pretending they're women.

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Only in Scotland, and I verified this information. It is true. If it's screwed-up and perverse, they like it.

And apparently, rape victims are supposed to have their "bigoted" views challenged on this issue. Because what a rape victim most needs is to be shamed about not wanting to be in vulnerable positions with dudes pretending they're women.

If this had been an actual woman, she never would have been allowed near this event. This guy clearly sucks, but he's playing the trans card, so some other woman who can actually skate was pushed aside for this.

I guess men are so horrible that any man who decides to become a woman is better than actual women because they they didn't CHOOSE to be women. So, they deserve to be beaten by these freaks, er, heroes.

I get it now.
There has to be a way to stop this
US taxpayers to pony up $30M to help world's 5th-ranked economic power reduce plastic pollution
USAID/India to tap U.S. Treasury for grant to improve solid waste management and promote circular economy in India, which is expected to outpace all major economies this year with projected GDP growth of 6%-7%, 6-7 times the projected U.S. rate.

US taxpayers to pony up $30M to help world's 5th-ranked economic power reduce plastic pollution
There has to be a way to stop this
US taxpayers to pony up $30M to help world's 5th-ranked economic power reduce plastic pollution
USAID/India to tap U.S. Treasury for grant to improve solid waste management and promote circular economy in India, which is expected to outpace all major economies this year with projected GDP growth of 6%-7%, 6-7 times the projected U.S. rate.

US taxpayers to pony up $30M to help world's 5th-ranked economic power reduce plastic pollution

I wouldn't do this, but it's better than our dumbass government in the UK that bans plastic straws. At least this is actually directed at the people dumping the plastic pollution.

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