I hear you, and I’m on the same page. Today I’m cheering on the Fighting Illini against the gamecocks (but only because my dad got a BA there almost 80 years ago).

Chief Illinewek rocks!
I'll see your a dad and raise a mom AND a dad...a BA and a BS...almost 60 years ago. Oh, and a grandfather who was an electrician there after retiring from Illinois Central.

Masters for dad was at Purdue but they've been on ignore ever since they kept calling and asking for HIM for years after he passed...even though mom let them know in 2014 that he had passed.
Lots of dissention on that team. Watch the body language. Playcalling is only made worse by crappy execution. Milroe can't hit the broadside of my ***, and his receivers aren't giving him any help.

Somebody with talent put an "A" on the Aggie train because Alabama is a trainwreck; expect it from aTm, but not from Tuscaloosa.
This is definitely not a product Alabama fb is accustomed to. Undisciplined to say the least.
Watching Milroe is painful...he rarely seems to hit anyone in stride and has too many passes the receiver has to jump for. That gets people hurt...
It's not as fun to go to Alabama boards to find humor as it is to aggy. Aggy implodes on themselves while Bama fans just seem lost. Given the bravado before the game, I would have expected more from Bama.
I knew those Michigan linemen were good.

Congrats to Big Blue. Rough patch for Alabama, but they'll be back. They are still Alabama after all.
Just realized it is Acho, for some unknown reason, calling the Baylor/LSU game.

Turning it off. Can't listen to that loudmouth.

Edit: Never mind. Sam, not Emanuel. Similar voices.
I know we are all supposed to drink the SEC cool aide now but I am extremely happy to see Bama lose and I won't be cheering for any team just because they are in the mighty SEC. Not saying I don't or won't cheer for some fellow SEC teams when it benefits Texas but only if and when it benefits Texas and today Bama losing benefits Texas, recruiting-wise, influence wise and ultimately in moving the center of power in the SEC out of Tuscaloosa.

Texas is in the SEC because it is a business arrangement, nothing more and unlike aggy I don't get any puffed up with pride from some other school winning just because that school happens to be in the same conference as Texas.

There should never be an "SEC SEC SEC chant from Texas fans except to make fun of aggy."
I told my son nearly the same saying it was an arranged marriage by espn. We don’t have to carry SEC’s water.
To add to the list of Illinois grads in the family as a reason to be happy Illinois just beat S. Carolina, my cousin and Godfather to my son has his accounting degree from Illinois and is a very happy man tonight.

To add to the list of Illinois grads in the family as a reason to be happy Illinois just beat S. Carolina, my cousin and Godfather to my son has his accounting degree from Illinois and is a very happy man tonight.
We lived in Illinois for 6 years....my only tie. It is a good engineering school...

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