Ha! What an insult! UW just ran that old classic USC play “Student Body Left” against USC—and effectively.

For all of you Generation Z posters, “Student Body Right/Left” was a classic USC John McKay play that nearly every high school in America would run from time-to-time in the 70s and 80s. Basically, it’s a sweep where the Center and maybe one other OL blocks down the opposite direction, and ALL other OL pull and lead the RB.

It worked pretty well when you had good pulling linemen. Of course, It worked even better when you had OJ Simpson, Marcus Allen, or Charles White as your RB…
USC should have some of their great defensive players (Lott, Carrier, Polamalu. etc.) come and talk to their defense. What an embarrassment to those uniforms.
they still have a long way to go

- Utah
- Oregon State
- Washington State
- PAC championship game

Less than 32.71% chance they don’t drop a game.
They demoted their OC earier this week.

Sanders interview going into the locker room at halftime... threw the play caller under the bus big time, then said "that's on me". If it was , then why criticize the asst?

OSU has their number so far, through 3qtrs. Offense has generated a field goal, which I think came early via turnover in osu territory
Beavers 23
Sanders U. 5

Not sure why I care enough about the outcome of this game to post.... call it
boredom and not ready to go to bed... besides I get an extra hour of sleep!
Wtf. Cu has 1 TO left, ran the clock down to 2 seconds left, THEN calls timeout.... they let 30 seconds run off

The game was over for certain, so why call TO at 0:02?