And there goes USC RB Jones, hurtling over the line and running for about 30 yards like he was OJ Simpson.
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However much their D scheme and personnel may stink, IF THEY WOULD JUST TACKLE, UW would be up by 2-3 touchdowns.
Ha! What an insult! UW just ran that old classic USC play “Student Body Left” against USC—and effectively.

You would think Lincoln Riley and his staff could easily recruit well enough to USC of all places to have at the very least an average defense.
You would think Lincoln Riley and his staff could easily recruit well enough to USC of all places to have at the very least an average defense.
And that young USC NT Bear Alexander would be All-American by the time he was done if he transferred here to UT-Austin.
W sure needed to lose. Looks like they, or the Ducks, will get a spot. M or OSU will get another. If Georgia beats Bama, that leaves just one. Florida State has a cupcake schedule, so looking like we may get left behind.
Poor Caleb Williams. They should pan the camera away. That’s some agony—a grown man crying his eyes out lying in the arms of his mother in the stands. Gotta feel for the guy. On a human level.