You assume it was a "stupid and rash" decision. That's probably where we disagree most. In part, I can't imagine anyone starting a multi-year process like this on a lark and I believe there are multiple "checks" in the process before a permanent decision is made, like living as the alternate gender for an extended time.
Actually, no, there ARE NOT 'multiple checks' in the process. For the better part of the past 20 years, basically with the advent of message boards and the internet, there has been a substantial increase in what they refer to as 'informed consent.' That means you go in, tell the doctor what you want to take and that you understand and accept the risks, after which the doc pulls out his little prescription pad or, in some cases with the 'gender clinics,' you just go into the next room to be jabbed in the *** by a nurse.
With the 'transing' of gay and lesbian kids to 'medicate the gay away,' the only added step in most instances is to get mommy and/or daddy to go along with the charade.
Nobody seems to notice that many of the kids, especially of the FTT variety, seem to come from religious homes. It is more acceptable to them to have a trans kid than a gay kid because they point and claim that the kid had a 'medical condition' even though there are no objective tests to confirm the condition beyond claiming it...
I share your concern for the developmental concerns of the youth, particularly doing something like this through puberty. I'm not a doctor though thus am ill equipped to comment on the health consequences. Yes, youth can be awkward but I've also experienced young people that were confident in who they were and yes, that includes homosexual youth. Acknowledging that one is homosexual at a younger age is not is not necessarily a symptom of "confusion" but is more an acknowledgement of a fact.
There are some children you can tell very early on that they'll likely be "gay". Nobody is encouraging them but rather their mannerisms make it obvious. I have 2 cousins that followed this trend. Only after HS did they come out of the closet (it was rural Nebraska) but to me it was obvious.
There are very serious medical implications and I easily envision a wave of litigation within the decade of people suing over the permanent sterility and other very serious health issues that are known to exist with females taking testosterone over a prolonged period of time.
I expect the same for the MTT's who were trans'ed as kids and later desist once they become adults...
Oh, and those inflated suicide rates mentioned earlier...the 'study' that the media loves to cite from the trans-mouthpieces was a self-report study with questionable methodology precisely BECAUSE it was a self-select, self-report study. If anyone truly believes the 40%+ suicide rate, then they are as delusional as the trans contingent as that says two out of every five was trying to off themselves, and you have to presume that at least one out of four would likely be succeeding, and their 'day of remembrance' stuff just does not bear out those numbers. Those numbers, if one looks only at kids, also overlooks (deliberately) the standard mental health issues that contribute to teens contemplating taking their own lives.