OK Cal Fans -- I'm Removing the Voter Bias!

I do believe Syntex has made Jerry Palm his ***** in the last few weeks. That tomato can still had us in the Fiesta at 3:30 on Sunday, clinging to his (often refuted) belief that the Fiesta couldn't "lose" a Big 12 team.

Thanks for the posts.
the funny thing is why hasn't any of the media picked up on this? It was the Freaking computers that did in Cal, not Mack's "classless" whinning or shady voting practices. Great post SynTex!
Great job SynTex,

If you want to make a quick buck, take Tech and the points in the Holiday. Not only will Tech cover, they will win flatout. It's a lock.

After the Holiday Bowl, there will be no more discussion that Cal deserved to be in the Rose Bowl.

Way to lay the wood down on them! I'm even more impressed with the amount of arguments you shot down...man you truely are a king among Horns!!!


as well as some Pepto Bismol given the amount of fecal matter exiting their computers.
Okay, I admit it... I have payed close attention to the BCS analysis that has appeared on hornfans the past month or so.

It almost always went counter to what 'the media' was saying, so I always checked it out. And it always checked out... especially SynTex's posts.

So for the past couple of weeks, KVUE stories have always mentioned the very real possibility that Texas would leapfrog Cal even if everyone won out... we couldn't be certain, because after all, there had to be SOME movement in the human polls... but we knew it was possible, or even likely.

I consider hornfans to be a valuable information source (or at least a starting point) whenever I'm doing a UT story. Well done and thanks, SynTex and the rest of you orange-blooded maniacs.
i read this around noon today on my way out the door. no time to post. this was absolutely the best post ever. while i was driving to one of my jobs, i was listening to 1300 play back an interview with some cali homer that was being interviewed on a national sports show. as it turns out, he is a writer for espn mag. what a tool. i immediately called the show and told them about your post. a few minutes later craig came on and read it in it's intirity, "censors" and all. craig was pumped. i hope this makes it around the country, so the idiots can see how ridiculous their bandwagon is.
Tremendous work SynTex, I too was relying more on Hornfans for imformation than on the TV "guru's".

I hope Tech kicks the crap out of Cal.
We lost ground to Cal last week after thrashing A&M and when cal was idle. How's that for conspiracy? If we hadn't, we would have already been ahead of Cal and in 4th place due to our computer strength. Syntex can easily crunch some numbers and show this. How come cal picked up votes in a week where we were impressive and Cal's only decent win, ASU, lost to lowly Arizona?

We need to combine all the good points in this post into a single one.
the point i liked was the guy that said if Cal was 4th and Texas was 5th on every ballot, AP & Coaches, we would have ended up tied. It would only take one voter to put Texas ahead of Cal to put us in the Rose Bowl. Don't know if it is true, but i liked it.
Local news (via Anchorage) talked about the Rose Bowl and how Texas was taking Cal's place in the game. Then the weather guy chimed in as they went to him that Cal wasn't the Pac-10 champ. Made me laugh.
An extraordinary analysis, SynTex. Truly remarkable. I did not read a single substantive response on the Cal Board where it was posted that refuted a sigle logical thought.

The debate on this included two galring factual errors, I thought. First, you say

In reply to:

SynTex, fantastic post. I also second evil horn for breaking the RB news, I learned it here hours before anyone I know! I was still nervous during the ABC broadcast, esp with the messed up BCS site showing Fiesta...
In recognition for this post I think SynTex should get one of those titles under his name like "Chili Champion" or whatever...

perhaps "Official Hornfans Speaker of Truth" or some such...
Regarding the unrelated motley of historical happenstance in the original post, nicely said, 86Horn.

It supports my belief not only that SynTex, in reality, isn't a box called Hal, but also that the only thing being thrashed about amounts to a decoy for fans otherwise in denial.