I just did a little calculation of my own that had an interesting result. Let's assume that all 65 voters in the AP and all 61 voters in the Coaches had voted Cal #4 and Texas #5 (this is what ESPN, et. al. are contending: that any reasonable person would rank Cal 4 and Texas 5). Given the computer standings (which are not manipulable), Cal and Texas would have been tied exactly in the BCS at 0.8533. Obviously, this means that, under this scenario, even a SINGLE human voter putting Texas 4/Cal 5 would have given Texas the edge.
In the end, I think it would have been a grave injustice for EVERYONE to have ranked Cal above us in the human polls. Texas prevails.
I just printed a copy of this thread off to pack along to the Rose Bowl. I have a feeling we will be encountering a lot of anti-Texas BS from the locals during our stay. I will be ready for them.
greatest post on the subject thus far!!
anyone who could find ANY way to object with this is simply blinded by their hatred for Texas.... reality and facts support Texas... crying and theories abound for Cal..
Could you turn your debunking efforts to the recent presidential election, and send letters to Keith Olberman and the Kerry Campaign refuting all of their idiotic conspiracy theories?
Their ignorance is surpassed only by their whining.
The lowest computer ranking gets tossed out! So they were NOT punished by the comp that had them lower than UGA.
Furthermore, we are ahead of them by AT LEAST one spot in EVERY SINGLE COMP POLL. That is unanimous, folks!!! And from the voters, we see that they were split and just a slight majority favored Cal.
Another point concerning Syntex's dissertation. Several California based AP voters, with both Utah and UT on a bye, suddenly decided to put Utah ahead of UT. How about you complain about those 'biased' voters as well???
Sometimes it's gratifying to watch the swirl of irrational emotions when you are given a seat in the sanctuary of reason. Usually it's just frustrating. This is bliss.
guess who's noticeably absent = all the detractors and haters. how do you refute this? you can't. that's why the haters are no where to be found. you really did find a way to shut them up. kudos to you, syntex....
Wow, very nice Syn! Please tell me that someone sent this post to the local papers (AAS, DMN, etc.) as well. The naysaying bandwagoneers need to step back and read this carefully before writing any more of their unsubstantiated drivel.