OK Cal Fans -- I'm Removing the Voter Bias!

This is amazing, maybe just maybe people will see things straight.
I heard this read on Craigs show and wanted to read it for myself. This is the greatest post ever.
Thank you very much for your hard work and time that you put in to get this together.
I can't even read the end of this thread because I am so pumped that SynTex so ******* brilliantly confirmed what I have suspected and I have literally been going crazy over since early Monday morning listening to the completely one sided Cal whine on am sports radio.

Early Monday morning, Craig James (who will from here ever after be ok in my book) was the ONLY, and I literally mean, ONLY national commentator who came out, called a spade a spade, and said there was an anti-Texas bias in the AP Poll, and went even further and said he was pissed about Aaron Rodgers' "classless" comments (for which he got Immediatly lambasted for from a seriously angry Cal fan). That was on the early Moday morning Fox Sports National Syndicated Sports Talk Show (the hosts on this show, to their credit, give Mack a break for his lobbying).

The rest of my day is Rome from 11-2 and The Drive with CJ Silas (also outta LA-Fox Sports).

One opening pro-Texas comment on Monday, and from then on out, it was a floodgate of callers and commentators, running out of pro-Cal points at midday and reduced to simply repeating them over and over and over and over (actually replaying the Pac-10 commissioner's interview literally an hour after it just happened and CJ's sidekick stating something along the lines, out loud, "Well, we're going to see if we can't get to the bottom of this") At no point, did anyone call in, that I heard, say anything remotely pro-Texas or scratch the surface of numerous points I was yelling into the air. It was Rush In The Zone- An Opponentless Debate (and, obviously, we were getting our asses kicked)

That was Monday.

Tuesday was like a broken record. Just repetition of the same arguments, more than half of them being BRAZEN double standards, ALMOST AS IF THIS SCENARIO WASN'T CALLED BY LONGHORN AND SOONER NUMBER CRUNCHERS ALIKE TWO AND A HALF FREAKING WEEKS AGO UNDER AN EVERYONE-WINS-OUT-SCENARIO!!!!!!!!!!!! To hear ******* Cal grad Silva or whatever the **** his name is insert "I think even people who go to Big 12 schools can understand that" while be taken totally aback by what dumbass rednecks had already predicted made me almost want to drive a Hummer through Yosemite with the Speed Racer roto-saws out, or, God forbid, vote for Bush.

Double standards off the top of my head:

Tedford taking a knee at the end of the S Miss game- classy
Brown taking a knee at the end of A&M game- silence.

Cal being ranked as low as 8th (8TH I TELL YOU!!!) in one poll- Disbelief, outrage.
Texas being moved up from 9th (one place below a 2 loss Iowa team that got pasted 44-9 at home by unranked Az State)- Saaaaay, that sudden movement makes you wonder what the heck's going on here (that one was from The Drive)
I have to say that is my favorite, because these guys were literally pointing to Cal being ranked as low as 8th as evidence of a conspiracy against Cal, and seconds later pointing to Texas moving up from NINTH to (I think) 6th as evidence of a conspiracy..........AGAINST CAL!!!!!

Kansas receiver extending arms out perpendicular to torso ten yards down field off of Texas defender- Texas won that game on a very questionable call
Exact, identical, carbon copy penalty called on S Miss rec negating a first down against Cal (help me here on the down and distance guys)- Silence.

Bob Stoops lobbying for his team (for which I fault him nothing), going as far as to suggest there is an ESPN bias towards Auburn because they have the SEC contract- Well, don't hate the playa, hate the game. That's what he has to do. (Rome sentiments)
Mack Brown lobbying for his team- "Unsavory" (Rome sentiments)

I like this one because I'm pretty sure it was in the same segment, literally minutes apart (embellished, but very little) and it was all from one guy, Rome.
Cal went ON THE ROAD (oooooohhhh) to HATTIESBURG! (with a half empty upper tier) and beat them by ten!- (ROME sentiments)
Who really wants to see the (Forgot S Miss's opponent) play the "Southern Miss Golden Somethings" (actually called them the "Golden Somethings in a derogotory WHO ARE THEY way) in the AAA-Aquafresh Bowl.

Maybe you would have a little more credibility if you spaced the "Wow! They beat S. Miss! IN HATTIESBURG!" comments further away from the "Golden Something" comments.

SynTex. I love you, man.
Just thought that I would add that SynTex's post is the best that I have ever read. It made me stop being lazy and I hooked up my printer so I could print it out.

Nice job man! I mean, this is the real deal. Unfortunately most media types will still read it with a blind eye but I've been saying all week... f'em!

I nominate SynTex's nickname... "The Truth"
BTW Pac-10 Fan,

Instead of whining how you get no respect, how about nutting up and having a Conference Championship Game?

Either way: STFU, CCG- It's all good.
This is REdiculously Brilliant SynTex!!! Can I please get a count of who all has sent a copy of this to Rome and PTI ?!?!
I was finally able to read it. Amazing. Brilliant. Plus no one can argue against it with any intellegence. I feel bad for Cal., but their anger shows lack of common sense. they should not direct the anger at us, but at the system. They clearly deserve to go more than Pitt. and probably Va. Tech. Whining is whining whether it is before the final poll or after. It was easy to be full of class when you thought you were going to the BCS.

USA Today published the coach's ballot totals for Cal and Texas.
The Link

This week Last week

Cal 2nd 0 0
3rd 1 0
4th 27 39
5th 17 16
6th 10 6
7th 4 0
8th 2 0

Tex 2nd 1 1
3rd 3 1
4th 18 8
5th 23 33
6th 8 10
7th 5 6
8th 3 2

To the poster who suggested we double check my accuracy... I agree, we need to be sure!

Old actual Texas AP total = 1337
I removed 3 for the Texas AP "flip" with Cal, and 4 for removing the benefit of the Alabama writer.
New Texas AP total = 1330
New Texas AP score = 1330/1625 = 0.8185

Old actual Cal AP total = 1399
I added 3 for the Texas AP "flip" with Cal.
New Cal AP total = 1402
New Cal AP score = 1402/1625 = 0.8628

Old actual Texas coach's total = 1281
I removed 9 total points. That's 3 points for moving one Texas #2 vote to #5, and 6 points for moving three Texas #3 votes to #5.
New Texas coach's total = 1272
New Texas coach's score = 1272/1525 = 0.8341

Old actual Cal coach's total = 1286
I added 20 total points. That's 8 points for moving two Cal #8 votes to #4, and 12 points for moving four Cal #7 votes to #4.
New Cal coach's total = 1306
New Texas coach's score = 1306/1525 = 0.8564

Texas computer avg remains 0.88, and Cal remains 0.80.

Average Texas (0.8185, 0.8341, 0.8800) = 0.8442
Average Cal (0.8628, 0.8564, 0.8000) = 0.8397
Difference of 0.0045