No Mop. We are not talking about Million year trends. We are talking about your statement before this thread was started that said there was no melting going on in the Arctic b/c it had all just refroze over the winter. I started this thread to refute that statement to show you that there is a decline in arctic ice in recent years (3,5,10, etc) and 30 years. I have provided you the evidence that you cannot refute. You can try and switch the topic to antarctic ice or to 1 month or 1 week or 1 million year segments. Whenever you do this you are basically avoiding the point that the ice is melting. Even when it is in the winter season we are getting more thinner and newer ice. Thus we melt more in the melt season. It is melting. Jeez.
Not that it matters mcuh b/c like I said 1 week trends don't mean anything. But the NSIDC specifically stated:
"The average pace of ice loss during July 2009 was nearly identical to that of July 2007. Ice loss sped up during the third week of July, and slowed again during the last few days of the month."
"Averaged for the month, July 2009 saw a decline rate in ice extent of 106,000 square kilometers (41,000 square miles) per day. For comparison, the rate of decline for July 2007 was 107,000 square kilometers (41,000 square miles) per day and the July 2008 rate of decline was 94,000 square kilometers (36,000 square miles) per day. The Arctic Ocean lost a total of 3.19 million square kilometers (1.23 million square miles) of ice during July 2009, and dropped below ice extent at this time in 2008. "
The evidence is there of what is going on. It can be measured. It shows ice extent on the decline at about 6.1% per decade the last 30 years. I am going to sotp and say I have shown you everything that I can to prove your statement wrong. If you continue to say that you weren't wrong then there is no use discussing topics b/c you won't acknowledge the most obvious of points.