so mop, first you're "i agree we need to be good stewards" and the next minute you're "why the fuss? the earth has seen worse"
it's not easy to see that you really don't believe we should be good stewards...or that your definition of "good steward" is completely hollow.
what do you believe it means to be a "good steward" to the planet?
do you think we are currently, as a species, being "good stewards" to our planet? if so, what would it take to change your mind? if not, what do you think we should change?
it's not enough to say you want to be a good steward or that you believe we should be good stewards.
the angles mop has tried to argue:
the earth isn't warming, it's actually cooling
any warming is actually due to sunspot activity
it's not warming, see, these icebergs are growing
even if it is warming, we don't know why
ok it's warming, but we're not the cause
ok even if we're the cause, it'll cost too much
(or, it's too late anyway, so we should just deal with it)
eh, the earth has seen worse, so why bother?