nice fark.
I can't come up with enough superlatives for the goaltending in game 6. Nabby deserves better, but not this season thank you.
Morrow was the man (or alpha-male as Razor said). I wish we'd seen more of Ott during the OTs; obviously he's responsible defensively or Tip wouldn't have him on the PK. I guess he's afraid of Otter crossing that fine line and drawing a game ending PP (akin to Campbell's).
At the beginning of the playoffs, I'd have said that Dallas could beat anyone this postseason except for Detroit. After 3-0 over the Sharks, I was beginning to "believe." With the struggle to close them out, losing Barnes, and playing a 4 OT game, I'm concerned again.
From the Duh Department: Turco is going to have to be awesome to take down the Wings. Like .935 save% good.
The numbers (PK%, PP%, Save%, Shot%) say Detroit in 7, but I think if Dallas can make it to game 7, it's a 50/50 proposition.
A game 7 means that either: a) the Stars have already stolen one there, or b) they've swept Detroit at home. Either way, with the confidence from winning 2 in Anaheim and 2 in SJ, and taking 3 from the Wings, they'll have the confidence to win in Motown.
That, plus Marty now knows that he can will them to victory.