I do not know as much as I should about the Arab hatred of Jews but I am trying to learn
This article from Townhall lists 5 truths.
this is the first. the rest are at link
1."1. There is no such thing as a historic “Palestinian people” living in the Middle East. To be sure, there have been Arabs living in the land of Palestine for centuries. (The land of Israel was derisively renamed “Palestine” by the Romans in the second century A.D.). And it is true that some of these families have lived in Palestine without interruption for many generations. But at no time before 1967 did these Arabs identify themselves as “Palestinians,” nor did they seek to achieve any kind of statehood there. As expressed by former terrorist Walid Shoebat, “Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
Before 1967, there was no such thing as Arab, Palestinian nationalism and no attempt to develop the territory as a homeland for the Arabs who lived there, and in 1936, when the Palestine Orchestra was formed, it was a Jewish orchestra. In fact, the original name of the Jerusalem Post, the flagship Jewish newspaper, was the Palestine Post."
The Link
Are all thesse "Truths" true? Can anyone debunk any of them with verifiable facts?
This quote from a known terrorist made me laugh
"As expressed by former terrorist Walid Shoebat, “Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
It is also telling, to an outsider, neither jewish or Arab, that Israel took in its jewish refugees but Arab countries would not take in Arab refugees?
Why not?