Palestinians do not exist. It is a made up term, much like the term 'Hispanic.' People use it, but it entirely a political designation. The term in it's modern usage refers to people born in the British Mandate after WWI until the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. This means that Jews born there as just as 'Palestinian' as Arabs. Israelis, Jews, Christians, Arabs... all could be dubbed 'Palestinian.'
After WWII when the modern state of Israel was created Arabs who were predominately Muslim refused to acknowledge a state that recognised Judaism.
The crux of the issue will not be resolved with any so called 'two state solution.' The only solution palatable to the Arab Muslims in the area is that Israel cease to exist.
Israel has long recognised freedom of religion and also does not base citizenship or rights on ethnicity or religion. This cannot be said of the areas currently under 'Palestinian' control.
Into this mix, Obama wants Israel to sit down and negotiate land swaps ect, with Hamas which is a terror organisation. Hamas has repeatedly called for the destruction of any type of Jewish control of any land, and refuses (still) to acknowledge the right of a Jewish state to exist.
Tell me where all people in the middle east who are citizens can freely vote and elect a government? Israel. PERIOD.
Into this Obama wants to give billions to an as yet unnamed Egyptian governments, gives equal standing in the international community of a terrorist organisation and Israel, our strongest ally in the region.
Islam is a demonic religion with which the United States is currently in a worldwide war. Obama continually sides with our enemies, and continues to defy US law by advocating negotiating with terrorists and waging war on Libya without Congressional approval or oversight.
Troubled times these are in which we live.